An Emberassing Question

Its not about not knowing. Its about thinking you know when theres no reason to think that you do.
Ignorance. It still astounds me and shames me to be from that area of the world.

For the same reason stuff like Feng shui is poorly pronounced feng shwee

The one that pisses me off is Samurai, which people for some reason pronounce 'sam-yur-rai', even though there's no y in it. What's especially annoying in that case is that Japanese is basically said how it's written.

But in this case he has actually pronounced it as Michael himself so it's not really ignorance.
I'm Swedish and I will try to write his name the way it's pronounced.

Mi - ka - el
the EE in "see" - the U in "number" - the E in "sell"

Åk - er - feldt
Awk - the E in "sell" - the E in "sell" -> felt
I'm Swedish and I will try to write his name the way it's pronounced.

Mi - ka - el
the EE in "see" - the U in "number" - the E in "sell"

Åk - er - feldt
Awk - the E in "sell" - the E in "sell" -> felt

That sounds right. I'm norwegian, and I like to think I have a general idea of how it's pronounced. ;)