An Emberassing Question

Ok, from reading all the posts I think I know how to pronounce Mikael, but now I'm confused with Akerfeldt.

MIKAEL....Mee Ku el - Mee sounds like the word "Me", Ku sounds like the "cu" in the word "cut", and el sounds like the "el" in the word "motel".

AKERFELDT....Awe ke felt - Awe sounds like the "awe" in the word "Awesome", ke sounds like the "ke" in the word "Kept", then felt. ......Is that right? And is the "r" completely silent?

(plus I wasn't insulting Norwegians either. I think they way they talk is cute as hell. Perhaps not what black metal performers want to hear :lol:, but cute nevertheless!)
The one that pisses me off is Samurai, which people for some reason pronounce 'sam-yur-rai', even though there's no y in it. What's especially annoying in that case is that Japanese is basically said how it's written.
Yeah, considering romanji is intended for english readers... you'd think people would GET it.
mikael is pronounced the same way as michael you fucking idiots

also, Akerfeldt is pronounced Aw-ker-felt
By the way - the "l" is pronounced with placing the sound resonating more towards the front of the mouth. Difficult stuff.