How does this Triple Recto sound?


Aug 2, 2007
I have a love/hate relationship with the Recto.
I love the aggressive nature of the sound but hate the fizz.
I spent the day today trying to capture the power without the fizz using different mic positions/combinations and different mic pres etc.

I ended up using a single 57 pointing towards the dustcap edge but with the mic at an angle almost parallel to the paper cone of the speaker. Recto cab BTW.
API Pre into Focusrite isa220 for eq (Hi pass 80, wide cut 500, narrow cut 6k, lo pass 12k)

ESP M1 NTB>TS808 all dials 12 o'clock>MXR graphic with 6db boost centred at 500-1k>recto all controls at 12 except mid at 10 and pres at 9 0'clock (channel 3 of 3 channel recto, bold, silicone)

This is the best I have ever got the recto to sound. How does it sound to you?
There is no post processing on the guitars except for a clean up of the tracks MESA TEST.mp3

Band is Vile Regression from Dublin
Thanks to everyone for the replies.
Listening at home on headphones and it sounds a little bit scratchy or mid rangey or something to me.
I will have another go next week if I have time.
It is much closer to what I am after but still not quite there yet.
I think it might be the API pre adding a bit to much mid saturation.
I will try a clean Focusrite ISA and see how that works I think.
Focusrite ISA FTW! ISA test.mp3

I tried a reamp today with the ISA 220 mic pre using eq from the 220 too.
I had to position the 57 again but I'm pretty sure it's in the same place.
Much clearer cleaner signal than the API. It doesn't have that mid range saturation that was annoying me about the API tracks. I did a quick mix of the track around the new guitar sound (as I did with the API tracks) and am now very happy with the clarity of the guitars.

The API works great for anything where you need a bit of grit but I think I will use the ISA for metal from now on.
What do you think?
Fucking monstrous, both the riffing/playing and tone :headbang: And I MUUUUCH prefer the first re-amp (I guess that was the API), the ISA one is nasal as a mofo IMO (though that could've been mic positioning)
I hate to say it but the second clip sounds very thin and nasal. The first one was one of the best sounds I've ever heard. I jizzed my pants :)
Hope you decide to go with the API and find the awesome spot again ;)
The first re-amp is much better alright.
I pulled too much low mid out on the second one.

When I am working on sounds on my own I often spend so long moving mics etc that I loose focus and my ears go off.
When doing a session with a band there, against the clock, I tend to get a sound quicker and it normally sounds great afterwards.

API it is then. It should be easy enough to find the same mic position as the first re-amp again.

Thanks for the opinions.
The first re-amp is much better alright.
I pulled too much low mid out on the second one.

When I am working on sounds on my own I often spend so long moving mics etc that I loose focus and my ears go off.
When doing a session with a band there, against the clock, I tend to get a sound quicker and it normally sounds great afterwards.

API it is then. It should be easy enough to find the same mic position as the first re-amp again.

Thanks for the opinions.
Yeah I know that.. once you think "this is great" and listen back a day later I often realize it actually sucks. The difference is my tones never get as awesome as the one you posted, haha :lol:
Also I found it nearly impossible to get the same sound twice, even after hours of moving the microphone. Good luck anyway!

Any chance you will post a file with a solo'd, single guitar from the first (API) sample you posted? The tone fucking slays and I'd love to have such a great reference when fiddling with the Rectifier next time :dopey:
Hate 3ch. rectos. POS. Vintage rectos and Rac-to's FTW. But great tone dude, Fits the band very well. I'd be stoked if it were mine.
I think I have nailed the sound I was after now.
No post processing on the guitars. Single 57>API>ISA220 for eq
I also ran the re-amps with the 6505 to see what they were like
Recto Mesa API.mp3
6505 6505 API.mp3
Recto solo recto API.mp3
6505 solo 6505 API.mp3

