How does this Triple Recto sound?

I think I have nailed the sound I was after now.
No post processing on the guitars. Single 57>API>ISA220 for eq
I also ran the re-amps with the 6505 to see what they were like
Recto Mesa API.mp3
6505 6505 API.mp3
Recto solo recto API.mp3
6505 solo 6505 API.mp3
Wow, thanks mate! Can't listen right now but thanks for the solo files. Excited to hear the 6505 on this track.
Sounds fantastic. But I'm having trouble deciding which one I like best lol. Probably the very first clip on the slower parts, the very last clip on the faster parts. But I think the first clip's tone with a little less low end would be very nice. But that's just my taste of course. The first one is 'fatter' and the last one more 'grinding', but they're both not fizzy at all to my ears. :)
I'm loving all of the tones. The 6505 does sound more well rounded, but part of me loves the fizzyness of the recto too. Either way, good job overall on all the above!
It seems the single 57 is a failed experiment for me.
Here is the mesa miced the way I usually do it.
57 and 421 on 2 different cones mixed. api 57-421 mix.mp3
the first tone blows away all other tones you've mixed so far. The last one isn't bad but it's still not as good as the first one. Also it sounds like you're turning the bass up higher and higher, lol. Or just cutting more low end from the guitars idk, but the mix in the first one with the guitars and bass was also better.