How does Vertabrae hold up to previous Enslaved albums?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
First off, I did a thorough search on Vertabrae and found nothing. This one's the only one I do not own. I've been out of the loop recently, and pretty picky about most discs released in 2008. So if anyone's got any thoughts on this disc, shoot. How does it compare to previous discs? Is it a continuation of the previous two? I've always believed that Ruun, while good in its own way, never really matched the brilliance of Isa, so I do wonder where they went musically on the new new one? Also, I am a huge fan of their mid-period stuff as well.
The prog elements have perhaps come more to the fore - sometimes on Verterbrae they drift almost into post-rock territory - as well as a bigger role for the clean vocals. It's a good record. If you like Ruun and Isa, you'd probably like it.
Not that my post is very helpful, as I only have Ruun and Vertabrae, but I think both are fantastic. I'm getting Isa next (figured I'd work my way backwards). To me, the 2 most recent albums are pretty similar in style/direction. More progressive, less black, I guess...
The prog elements have perhaps come more to the fore - sometimes on Verterbrae they drift almost into post-rock territory - as well as a bigger role for the clean vocals. It's a good record. If you like Ruun and Isa, you'd probably like it.

Agreed. It's more prog and less black, but quite good. My favorite is probably still Below the Lights though.
You will like Vertebrae, I think it's one of those album that I absolutely have nothing to say against it (except some recording quality maybe?) but Ruun was better. And it all depends... a lot of place for clean vocals, that's true, but it generally sounds fine. What I currently think about it, is that it's an undone album, but I'm not certain why I have this feeling.
If you liked "Essence" on Ruun, you'll probably love this album. Lots of big swirly guitar sections that sound like some kind of combination of post rock and a blizzard, more clean vocals than usual but still plenty of the raspy ones. The less melodic ones are the lesser tracks this time around, with Center and New Dawn having some uninspired clunky powerchord riffs. I like most of the album quite a bit, but some of the songs are really pretty lame. Seems a bit less developed than BTL/Ruun, but still well worth checking out. "To the Coast," "Ground" and "Reflection" are my favorites I think. "Clouds" is also amazing, and has a really heavy Opeth vibe - it's what I wish Watershed had sounded like.
All I can say,Enslaved is no more a Prog-Black act,they turned into a Extreme Prog band.The music is guided by the dueling vocal parts of Herbrand and Grutle,when Herbrand sings,music is generally mellow and calm,when Grutle takes the ride,music becomes heavier and brutal.And Black Metal influence is decreased dramatically.Vertebrae is based on the formulas given in the songs like Essence or Heir To The Cosmic Seed which appeared on Ruun.For me it is totaly a transition record in band's career,not brilliant like Isa,not the best compared to their back catalogue but a nice listening.