how far into your family tree can you go?

Fuck if I know, silly Cherokee. My dad's second cousin is Johnny Cash, we used to get Christmas cards from him. With no money in them, dammit. Have a birthday card around here somewhere as well.
Some years ago when my great-grandfather died, we were given a family tree booklet of that side of the family (mother's mother's side, the Glotzbachs). Pretty cool thing, even though it was made before my little brother was born. It has old sepia photographs from the late 1800s and everything.

Anywho, the furthest it goes back is to a Konrad Glotzbach and Anna Margaretha of Arzell, Saxony, Germany, whose first son was born in 1718.

With the advent of ancestry sites on the internet, who knows how much farther back I could go...but I haven't yet tried.

EDIT: My dad's side is harder to trace, but they frequently claim Andrew Jackson was our ancestor. Not sure if this is valid, but my grandfather looks a hell of a lot like the guy.