The Ancestry thread

lizard said:
you might be pleasantly surprised. what with online sites and whatnot, alot of the work may already be done for you. I have a cousin in the DC area who had spent a small fortune traveling to England, translating documents in various languages, etc.
Yeah, I know about those sites. I just have to question the veracity of their claims. Most of the folks I know who have done that research already have some preconceived notion that they are from some "great stock". So, of course, they "discover" they are related to Swedish royalty. I'll confess ignorance on the subject but I don't see how one can prove their lineage without DNA evidence.
J. said:
it is. Steele made up the flag to symbolize Vinland (now Newfoundland)
Ahhh yeah. L'anse aux Meadows(French for Jellyfish cove I think). Cool place, although i went there when I was too young to appreciate it.

and another high point that "New Finnland"(lol Paul McCartney) is: <--- I was in Bonavista for the 500th anniversary. Cool event really cold out. Bonavista is a piece of shit town
dorian gray said:
Yeah, I know about those sites. I just have to question the veracity of their claims. Most of the folks I know who have done that research already have some preconceived notion that they are from some "great stock". So, of course, they "discover" they are related to Swedish royalty. I'll confess ignorance on the subject but I don't see how one can prove their lineage without DNA evidence.

Some sites are more reputably than others, and some people are more painstaking in detail than others. Most of the heritage research we've done has been verified through personal sources, death certificates, census bureau reports, family history reports, etc. Normally multiple sources are needed for us to verify that part of the family tree, some people are less picky though.
EXAMPLE: People claiming that America has no Culture or Heritage and desperatly search around for some other culture they can latch onto, then search there family tree for a realitive with some of this blood, then wear that 'culture' on their shoulder for everyone to see. Many Black Metal kids do this with scandinavian heritage, for example.

Yeahhhhh man, haven't really seen any of that in this thread.
dorian gray said:
Yeah, I know about those sites. I just have to question the veracity of their claims. Most of the folks I know who have done that research already have some preconceived notion that they are from some "great stock". So, of course, they "discover" they are related to Swedish royalty. I'll confess ignorance on the subject but I don't see how one can prove their lineage without DNA evidence.
documents, my friend. family bibles used to often contain birth and death information. There are numerous town records also. for instnace, my cousin had to translate medieval documents written in archaic french and then latin. People have always had a compulsion to create records, its just a matter of whether they have been destroyed by fire or war.

and I'm just as proud of my german roots as my english ones, even though I realize the vast bulk of germans to come to america in the mid 1800s were as likely to be peasants as anything.

part of the reason I'm into it is that I've always been finely attuned to history. Having the opportunity to go to Europe three times for a total of eight years I noticed visiting historical sites like castle walls and such, I would get a strange tingly feeling, not like I was some fucking nobleman but it was just a sense of ... wierdness.