Glad to help you :d Well, first let's have a thesis: "The internet has been my single-most influential factor as far as affecting my musical taste goes".
Right, let's see how. Well, I discovered metal through the internet, before which I totally rejected it. Well, there really wasn't any metal influence in Nepal. I discovered Gamma Ray by accident from UM and downloaded a song (live version of 'Heal Me') and fell in love with this new kind of music that was entirely unknown to me. I was, ofcourse, a mainstream listner (letting the TV rule what I should listen to and like). As you have probably guessed, no one I knew had heard of Gamma Ray (and no one else till now, expect the ones I introduced them to). But this changed my life. Literally. The metal lifestyle just taught me I could do my own thing and let the world revolve around me, they too doing their own thing.
Through Gamma Ray, my interest for powermetal grew, and it is so strong by now that I now have my own solo-project called Atlantis! Without the internet, I could never have been this strong, and I've never have had Atlantis
. Now powermetal has become my life, and though it's still unknown to almost everyone in my country, I've visualised to one day have a strong powermetal scene here. How else, without the internet, would I get to listen to Gamma Ray, Helloween, Iron Savior, Heavenly, Blind Guardian, Edguy and other awesome bands.
To find the CDs of these bands would be nightmare here. Thanks to friends abroad
(thanks to the internet again), I have been getting CDs (mp3s, thanks Bob!), even original CDs (thanks to Sylvia), and some promotional CDs from Sanctuary Records. So I depend entirely on the internet for my music. lol ofcourse I sound like a geek :d (lol i am! lol!). On those rare occasions, I might see a Gamma Ray CD (always in singular numbers) or Iron Savior, under which circumstances I feel great (even if they're all pirated ones).
This is my story, and so people like me in parts around the world not exposed the joys of metal have to rely heavily on the internet. And a very interesting topic for an essay. Good luck Nefilim, and I don't mind revealing my name (which is Parimal Satyal). (lol, i know, i'm a cheesy geek who listens, plays and composes or sings powermetal all day long, regardless of the fact that he's alone physically on that realm... and is out for getting his name heard).
Thanks for reading, hope this helps - good luck!!