How high or low does it sit?


Sep 6, 2002
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Allright, now i need some opinions on how your guitar sits.

Do u play your guitar high or low, which do u find more comfortable? Do u play it up around your chin or around your ankles (exageration (spelt badly))?

Which is the best in your opinion? Its just that i am having difficulty finding a balance, sometimes my wrist gets rather uncomfortable... though i dont have it too low (ie. my belt buckle sits against the acryllic panel on the back of my axe).
I used to wear my guitars really low (guitar's centerline below crotch). That works fine for rhythm playing, but becomes difficult when you start playing higher up the neck. Now I wear it at belt level.

That is what is taught by the majority of guitar instructors - to keep the guitar basically at the same level as when one is in a sitting position...right around the waist area.

That is where I keep mine.
Belt level, but I did see a bass player this past weekend playing a 6-string bass and he had his axe riding high. But considering how wide the neck on that thing was, I completely understand his needing a little more leverage. If your arms are short or the span from the beginning of your wrist to the ends of your fingers is not long enough, you may need to play higher. Playing low is just uncomortable for me and those that do it will regret it later when their backs start hurting like a mofo.
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When I started playing I used to keep it low and it's been like that for years. I recognised that it was going to cause problems when I was playing higher up the next so I raised it to belt-level but then my wrist started killing me so I dropped it back again. I'm sure I'll think of something :)
I play electric at belt level and acoustic at the naval. I probably don't look the coolest playing my acoustic, but I use medium strings and ultra high action. My acoustic is challenging to play even for me though I am used to it, but with those fat strings and high action, a studio recording isn't better than my live sound.

I also don't care on my electric about "getting to the top" of the fretboard. I use the high notes for the climax of many of my solos, but when you play that high on the neck, you lose you phrasing and vibratto. Most of my work is done in the middle of the fretboard and angling the guitar up from the waist makes that area of the fretboard just right. If you are one of those types that likes to play at the top end of the neck, then I would suggest naval height.

I play mine the same height seated and standing.. Maybe a little higher actually.. The necks on my 7 and 8 string basses are fairly wide and it's more comfortable with them higher.

I've spent a bit of time just getting comfortable with my guitar and have found that halfway between belt and navel is the optimum position for me. My picking has got faster too and my hand has stopped cramping. All good news!
nihilist said:
I keep mine extremely high, so the neck of the guitar is around my eyes and the body is against the top of my stomach. I've played alot of classical so maybe this is why.

I used to play pretty low, but I took it up some time ago, makes those wide stretches a lot easier...

Still the sight of a low guitar stays great... Like Jesper from In Flames, it beats me how he can still play everything with his guitar below his belt...
around belt level, a bit higher normaly

when I play bass, I play it pretty low though

I once was in a school-band with another guitarist, he didn`t even have a strap on his guitar, I wondered if he ever played standing. when I saw him play with his other band, he actually set a chair on stage and played sitting...... looked a bit strange......