How I celebrated my birthday


The Incredible Bulk
Aug 29, 2002
Western Sydney
(copied from the LORD forum)

Ok.... I promised to write up a full report, so I'll try to remember as much as I can. You've gotta understand that the night was a bit of a blur after certain events haha

The gig itself was awesome. The turnout wasn't huge (about 150 I think) but it was still bigger then I expected. The venue was very happy with the bar take and the lack of trouble, so the future could be bright for metal in Penrith :)

Transcending played an as usual brilliant set.... was great to hear a Violator classic pulled out. When are you gonna cover some of their other great material though? I had planned on jumping up to sing the chorus of Hail and Kill but I just plain forgot, by that point in the day I had quite a few things on my mind.

MurderWorld were awesome (yeah yeah, I'm biased).... I'm not sure whether it's been announced yet but I believe Morbid will be staying on vocals, which is a good thing because he is a natural frontman. Although it took him about 30 seconds to break his promise not to say "fuck" onstage haha

Black Asylum rounded the night out... unfortunately ALL of the band were extremely sick with the flu and had alot of technical problems. They still soldiered on!

Towards the end of the set, I knew my time was running out so I found an excuse to get Jess away from the crowd. We got back inside just as the "supergroup" of Shayne (MurderWorld), Corey (ex-TM), Danny (Black Asylum), Troy (Black Asylum), Morbid (MurderWorld) and Zack (Head Hammer) were starting up "Sad But True" (Sue's favourite song, done as a tribute)

I jumped up onstage afterwards and made the announcement... I'm not sure who was more shocked, my two sisters at the gig or Goredo :lol:

We all made our way back to my eldest sister Jenny's house afterwards for the official afterparty and unnofficial engagement party haha

Much drinking and hilarity ensued... including a few vicious Singstar battles and Shane (TM) and Turner absolutely belting out Skid Row classics in my sisters kitchen :lol:

When I say much drinking, I do mean by everyone. Yes... I made true on my promise and had a JD and coke with Grahame. I've never seen so many people run to grab a camera hahaha

As the night slowed down, the last several people just sat around and talked for hours in the garage. The night pretty much came to an end when we forced Morbid to lay down before he fell down haha

I could have gone into alot more details..... but I really can't be bothered going into the specifics. I'll let the other who were there talk about the events of the party haha

Suffice to say.... even ignoring the engagement, this was the BEST PARTY I'VE EVER HAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers to everyone who came out. This was a day I will definately never forget :)

Oh yeah... there was an insane amount of photos taken throughout the night, as we get them, I'll put them up. Including a couple that Goredo probably doesn't want people to see :lol:

Here are a couple I've gotten so far... and yes, I did cut the cake with that "knife"

