How important is/would be to mod the bass?

AD Chaos

Aug 3, 2009
Hey there everyone

Been reading here about the importance of having a lively base tone (from good strings?) but my question

How important -or unimportant- could be to make mods to the bass (i.e. upgrade pups, get this or that brand of strings, maybe 18v mod to my active pups?)

PS__ I like modding :D

Much obliged
String brands are negligible as far as sound goes IMHO. String gauge can definitely change the sound pretty drastically though. Pickups will change things up quite a bit also, but I don't even own a bass so I don't really have any suggestions. I've never done an 18v mod but I've heard good things about it.

The best thing you can do however is to make sure you have new strings and a proper set up and do some recordings to see if there's anything you don't like about the tone and go from there. Chances are you probably don't need to mod your bass :Smokedev: