How in the world do I make this band better?

+1 on the preprod. if that's too much of a hassle, join a band practice, it at least gives you somehow of an idea what this band is about and potential issues that can occur during tracking stage. worked for me a couple of times to actually turn down bands I figured won't cut it.

that worked for me many times too and helped me save frustration and money for the bands. it's a great idea going to their practice and pointing out things they should improve before entering the studio for pre-production.
Let them suck.
Not everything you make must be 100% perfect imo. Let the players sound like they sound. If you need 46 takes for a riff, it's probably the best to take take 3 and be done with it. Just get the maximum they can do out of them.
Let them suck.
Not everything you make must be 100% perfect imo. Let the players sound like they sound. If you need 46 takes for a riff, it's probably the best to take take 3 and be done with it. Just get the maximum they can do out of them.

your risking your reputation this way thought.
if you're serious everything you produce must be good.
your risking your reputation this way thought.
if you're serious everything you produce must be good.

Everybody thinks it's this way, but it isn't. The band ASIA for example sold 9 million copies of a CD that has some super sloppy drums on it. Truth it, nobody cares as much as you think.
Everybody thinks it's this way, but it isn't. The band ASIA for example sold 9 million copies of a CD that has some super sloppy drums on it. Truth it, nobody cares as much as you think.

it depends on how sloppy it is, of course and the "kind" of sloppiness.
when I begun I've got bad reputation for producing every band possible.
since i stopped that they respect my studio more than every other around.
It happen to me before, and when it happens, I just record the riff(s) separately without any reference (drums, metronome, anything) and tell the guitar player, try at least to strike all the notes even if it is at half speed.

Then take the part, put into context, edit it note by note (it's not that difficult) and then he sounds like an excellent player.

Fooling all the suckers that are going to hear his great studio recording technique. :lol:
Eduardo that's what I'm doing when I get a somewhat decent band, i don't like the part and can't get any of my friends to re-record it behind the band's backs lol. I'm not a guitar player but know some basics. I sample the chords and notes and re-compose the part. Kinda fun to do.