how long have anthrax been touring wcfya?


riffer madness
Feb 17, 2002
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just interested,how many more places can they play(to an ok crowd),they have tgote to promote,how long do u think they can stay out on the road for,its a great buildup for the next studio album as long as they dont take to long a break.
Depends on when you consider the official "start." They were playing tunes from (well, a tune) from WCFYA on the Priest tour in early 2002. But that was b4 the album had a title or a label. They pretty much had the album done when they went out for a couple trips across Europe in late 2002 early 2003. Now, next question, do you consider the touring this spring and summer in support of WCFYA or MOMD? TO me, the WCFYA tour has been going on for 2 solid years!!! Now, come back to Columbus!!!
just wondering how long they can keep touring cycle going,is there a big enough demand for an extensive tour in support of album made for the hardcore fans,i hope we get more details in scotts next alphamail.