How long will Maiden last?

The new album is great. The stuff on there is serious kick ass stuff Live! How can you expect to "love" an album the day it comes out? Ya gotta give it time. I like it and liking it more everytime I hear it. The Hammerstein shows were totally phenominal. Maiden will be around not much longer imho, so you`ll be looking back at these albums and won`t be saying they sucked. DoD sounds like every aspect of Maiden from Killers(Prodigal Son/Journeyman) to Brave New World(Fallen Angel/New Frontier). I`m glad they don`t change for the sake of change. If they do that, then they`re done. Don`t be so hasty to judge right away. Rainmaker is not a great "live" song btw. Nothing for the crowd to get into really. But it is a great song for the radio which we`ll never hear it on in the US.
DoD had maybe two great songs, well now at least one classic IMO, Paschendale rocked live! But the rest of the album was either not so great or horrible.