Since the DoD tour will be Maiden's last *real* tour...

Mark said:
I think they work in the UK and Europe because it's not that far to travel. In the US... blimey! I mean, ProgPower seems to do ok, but then it's not a HUGE festival (attendance-wise)...

In the US a festival like Donnington or even Wacken would just not work. The Milwaukee Fest has been going on for quite some time but its always held indoors and from what many people tell me its one of the most disorganized events.

Promoters just dont have the balls to do a festival for just one date or a weekend (face it the bands that do the Euro shows have virtually no appeal outside of the metal community) and since the US is so big it just wouldnt work to get many people in order to get a festival the size of the Euro ones because of travel costs.

Prog Power works because its held in an indoor club that holds like 1000 people (I think).
Of course I'd go see them. I've only been to one of their concerts- BNW Tour, Portland ME. From what I've heard, it was one of their best gigs on the whole tour but there were only about 2000 people in attendance.

I must have been in a trance the whole time or something, because I can't remember anything about it. So maybe if I see them again the image will last a bit longer.
I'm seeing 'em @ Manchester and Birming ham, but no other UK dates this time cos it's just too expensive! I doubt I'll bother with the festival gigs so I'll be making the most of these last gigs.
Seeing that both the Stockholm and the Göteborg gig got sold out before we could get through on the website (took less than two hours) it seemes doubtful that I will be seeing Maiden this time :(
ClarifyAmbiguity said:
I'll be going to school in Philly and my home is in NJ, so I'll go if they are at Lincoln or one of the Philly places or if they are in Jersey at the PNC or Meadowlands...hell, I might even go to MSG in NYC.

I really, really regret not being able to get tickets to see Maiden at the PNC a few weeks ago. Fuck!
a ton were on ebay for PNC and i had an extra ticket i gave away. lost the $$ for that one.

as for the travel, Hell Yes!
this tour i went to NY,NJ both, MD, MI, OH shows 6 total.
cant wait for DoD so i can do it all over again. :grin: :heh: