Since the DoD tour will be Maiden's last *real* tour...


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
(at least in Europe... will they just play festivals in the US, or just the major cities?)

Anyway... since the next tour will be the last chance for many people to see Maiden again, will YOU travel to see them if they don't play in your area?

Or will you simply kiss the chance goodbye?
I very nearly kissed the chance goodbye because of the horrendous booking fee. Buit then figured, seeing as they're playing in my back yeard, I'd save more than that on transport, and got myself a ticket.

I don't suppose I'll see them again after December though.
There's nothing quite like seeing Maiden live - something very special about it. So yeah, I'll do my best to see them although living in NYC I would hope that should be pretty easy.
Rainking said:
There's nothing quite like seeing Maiden live - something very special about it. So yeah, I'll do my best to see them although living in NYC I would hope that should be pretty easy.

There are 2 ways as i see for future playing here. Either they play at a rock festival that takes place here every year in early june which takes perhaps 15-17.000 maximium. Or they play the stadium they played for the past 2 tour withover 30.000 people. But i don't want just to see Maiden to play outdoors here since the lights goes down by midnight.
I don't know...I might. It all depends on so many factors.

But it'll be fucking retarded if they don't play here on the album tour either. I mean, fuck! I am sure there are a lot more Maiden fans here than there are in Toronto! Besides, we don't get many shows a year (despite the rather large metal fan base), so many 'not too big' Maiden fans would go to a show like that if they played here.
The last time I travelled far to see Maiden they announced that the show was cancelled after the venue was about half full. I've never seen so many disappointed faces in one place. I found that a bit ridiculous and vowed to never travel out of so Cal to see them again.
Lightbearer said:
The last time I travelled far to see Maiden they announced that the show was cancelled after the venue was about half full. I've never seen so many disappointed faces in one place. I found that a bit ridiculous and vowed to never travel out of so Cal to see them again.
Was that in Las Vegas?
I'm not sure they have any "festival" type shows in the US besides Ozzfest and Lollapalooza, which are actually full blown tours. Sure, we have metal fest and Michigan Death Fest and shit like that but Maiden aren't going to play in a small room. I'm not even sure what kind of festivals they have in New York or Los Angeles but none come to mind. I think Maiden are pretty much done with North America in general.

They're skipping my part of the country on this current tour so fuck 'em. I'm not buying their merchandise and I'm going to share the living shit out of DOD on Kazaa. Fuck 'em.
possessed said:
I'm not sure they have any "festival" type shows in the US besides Ozzfest and Lollapalooza, which are actually full blown tours. Sure, we have metal fest and Michigan Death Fest and shit like that but Maiden aren't going to play in a small room. I'm not even sure what kind of festivals they have in New York or Los Angeles but none come to mind. I think Maiden are pretty much done with North America in general.

They're skipping my part of the country on this current tour so fuck 'em. I'm not buying their merchandise and I'm going to share the living shit out of DOD on Kazaa. Fuck 'em.
Are they skipping Idaho on the DoD tour though? (Do they ever even play there?)
Since it would come down to feeding my children or seeing Maiden I suppose I will just kiss the chance to ever see them good bye.......
I think they work in the UK and Europe because it's not that far to travel. In the US... blimey! I mean, ProgPower seems to do ok, but then it's not a HUGE festival (attendance-wise)...
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Mark said:
Are they skipping Idaho on the DoD tour though? (Do they ever even play there?)

They are skipping the entire NW altogether. I think the nearest show is in northern California which is atleast a 10 hour drive, at least from here in the Seattle area.. Probably longer from Idaho. It may be worth it for some people.. But not me right now. Maybe if I had a car that got 35 miles to the gallon I'd do it, it would be a nice little road trip with a few friends.

I posted my opinion in the other thread about this subject. I'll buy DoD, but I expect a visit here on the album tour. Actually no, I'm not expecting it now, but if they don't, Steve's greedy ass won't get another another penny from me. I guess I'll be downloading all future Maiden albums from Possessed on Kazaa. :)

I'll still eagerly hope for Bruce's long awaited solo album though.
Mark said:
Are they skipping Idaho on the DoD tour though? (Do they ever even play there?)
No, they don't play Idaho, but I had been saving my vacation and some money for a Seattle show. May have even gone to Portland. I even briefly flirted with the idea of going to Mountain View to see them at the Shoreline, Hell most of my family lives down there but I didn't really want to spend that kind of money and finding someone to watch my three kids for that long (no way I'm travelling that far with 'em) would have been a pain in the ass. I'll have to hope that they hit the NW on the DOD tour, but if they come some time during the winter it makes travelling a pain in the ass in these parts. They've played Spokane WA some several years back but I wouldn't expect to see them in that town ever again.