How many CD's have you purchased this year?

With the tough economic times, it is harder to support our artists. I am wondering if anyone has made drastic cuts in the number of purchases. It seems that the bulk of mine are at the vendor tables every year.

Last year I bought approx 30 records...20 of them at PP.

This year, I have already bought 15...with another 30 budgeted for this year due to the expected cheaper hotel bill.

How about you?
I've bought about eight CDs, four iTunes downloads, and two records. My consumption rate for 2010 is actually slightly higher than it was in 2009. In 2008 I went almost the whole year without buying anything and then bought a flurry of stuff in the final few months.

Other stuff: in 2008, my concert attendance was very high (at its peak during the third quarter, I was going to two a week) but I rarely bought anything other than the ticket. In 2009 my concert attendance went way down (I basically took the year off) but it's back up slightly in 2010 and I have been buying more tshirts, for whatever reason.
Zero "CDs", but 21 albums:

17 from eMusic (~$50, based on 50% of my yearly $100 subscrription)
2 from ($13.48)
2 from ($14.98)

Total for recorded music = $78.46 ($3.74 per album)

I've been to 29 concerts, where I've spent $499.49 on tickets ($17.22 per concert)

So total music-related expenses for 1H2010 = $577.95

Both figures are well up from 2009, but I'm a lucky one who hasn't had my spending affected by recent economic conditions (yet!) So my spending is more a reflection of my interest in buying albums/seeing concerts than financial considerations.

As I've said before, if you're financially-constrained, but still want to listen to music and support musicians, buying mp3s is the most efficient way to do it. You pay a lot less per album, but musicians still get basically the same money as they would for a CD sale. It's just plastic manufacturers, warehousers, and truck drivers who get the shaft.

(maybe more - I don't keep track).

Eek! How can you sleep at night without keeping track?!?! :loco:

Only six - way down from prior years. Totally all about economics. Bought nothing AT ALL, last ProgPower. I have to admit, I did get a bunch of music from promos, which eased the pain. I do intend to buy a few more very soon, that I just can't do without or wait for.
Bob, I'm amazed. Either you just happen to enjoy a lot of music (don't have a high bar I guess?) or you like supporting the scene more than focusing on loving a few bands.

I've bought... 7 I think. A few older CDs (Faith No More, and Nomeansno), and a few '10 CDs (JOP, Echoes, Orphaned Land). Streaming albums online has indicated to me that many albums I would have considered would have been wasted money. If you count monthly subscription expenses to my total... it would add another 5 CDs or so. I listen to a lot of albums, but my tastes are getting pretty refined. I don't want to waste time with mediocre. My interests are more in finding great music/artists and supporting them.
Bob, I'm amazed. Either you just happen to enjoy a lot of music (don't have a high bar I guess?) or you like supporting the scene more than focusing on loving a few bands.

I've bought... 7 I think. A few older CDs (Faith No More, and Nomeansno), and a few '10 CDs (JOP, Echoes, Orphaned Land). Streaming albums online has indicated to me that many albums I would have considered would have been wasted money. If you count monthly subscription expenses to my total... it would add another 5 CDs or so. I listen to a lot of albums, but my tastes are getting pretty refined. I don't want to waste time with mediocre. My interests are more in finding great music/artists and supporting them.

I am actually very picky. I have a wide taste is genre's from power metal to NWOBHM to thrash to speed to traditional to folk so there is always something new to get or even old to get. I usually listen to like 2 CD's a day. One with going and coming back to work and then one at home while I am surfing the web. I try to listen to each one a few times because some grow on you more than others. I have over 1,000 CD's and hundreds of cassettes from the 80's still. It is funny you mention supporting the scene because I am usually the one being told I dont support it. I never just buy disc to buy them or just to support some local band. Each one I get is something that I want or know I will like.
I've spent most the year buying used cds from this year's ProgPower crop. That's kind of become the trend the last few years as I've found the show infinitely more enjoyable if I am familiar with the music.
Zero physical CDs bought, a whole bunch of Itunes though. Mainly due to tougher finances.

I just don't understand why the industry is blaming downloading when the economy more than explains the huge drop in CD sales.

Plus people are choosing more economical means of getting music, such as Itunes, used CDs, and the bargain bin.