How many clicks a second can you make?

i got extremely high, but i just got home its practically flooding outside and i'm....extremely high :lol:

stop getting younger.
anbody you want to impress with that (i.e. stoners) won't take you serious if you talk childish shit like this.
stop getting younger.
anbody you want to impress with that (i.e. stoners) won't take you serious if you talk childish shit like this.

I generally assume anyone who smokes weed is a total noob, due to the fact that over 90% of the people I've smoked pot with, have been.
You clicked 365 times in 30 seconds.
Your caffeine level for today is:
Near Death - Delusions of Godlike power

You clicked 188 times in 30 seconds.
Your caffeine level for today is:

Insanely High - A vibrating crackhead