How many EQ's do you have & why?

Kaleb Formz

Aug 27, 2013
So I've been wanting to ask this for a while I'm real curious.

I have

1) UAD SSL - Gives everything that desired analogue SSL sound. The best for metal in my opinion.
2) UAD API - The best API emu out. Period. Same API analogue sound great staple.
3) UAD Sonnox Oxford - My favorite most transparent EQ for when "analog" is too harsh/or much on the source material or it needs subtly. Feel like a transparent EQ is a must for any though most Daw's got that covered.
4) Waves Renaissance EQ- Love this one! Use it like crazy for guitars. Don't really like clean EQ's on guitars, Bass. Just me, and sometimes (especially with Ampsims) an analogue EQ emu can be too sharp or harsh, The Req Warms and I feel like it softens the material,

For me, I really don't see a need to have more than this. 2 great sounding analogues A clean and a dirty/warm one.

How bout you?
I find different eq's in general is overrated so i just stick with one or two.

Same. I have a few that I know really well and stick to those. For me it's generally Equality, the EQs within Waves' SSL channel and MHCS, and Waves' Pultec. Sometimes the Sonnox EQ so I don't feel bad about having spent so much money on the bundle despite not using it a lot.
RenEQ (for same reasons you mentioned)
Filterbank (sometimes ... mostly just so I'm not looking at 30 instances of RenEQ)
GChannel (for when I want to pretend like I don't need no stinking graphic display)
Waves REQ

Are go to. I don't have an API550 but would love one for punch. Although i sometimes use the API Preamp in Podfarm.
I also do not have a Pultec and would love one.

Api550 and Pultec are on my wishlist but i have been holding out for Slate Rack.
ReaEQ for cuts and general shaping, VibeEQ for colourful boosts, whatever pultec clone I'm into at that moment for the low boost+cut combo.
I also like NastyVCS and J1000 PQ33 but don't use them that often.

I agree that it's best to stick to the guns you are familiar with. Anything beyond that is just flavour.
I recently pulled the trigger on hardware eq for some OTB jizz in my pants haha
A pultec clone and one based on the neve eq section of the 1073 with some mods. Couldnt be happier.
The rest is is pretty much done with equality and waves ssl. I demoed equilibrium and the butterwoth (i dont remember how to spell it) curve is amazing!!!! thinking of swaping equality for equilibrium.
Ah almost forgot! Variety of sound plugs aaaall the way!
Satson for low and high pass, ReaEQ for narrow cuts, recently T-Racks British and White channels replaced VoS BootEQ for boosts and general coloring. Everybody praises Equality so much. What's so good about it?

I have EQuilibrium, but I stopped using it in favour of ReaEQ because I started getting caught up in the different curve options "what if I try Linear, on the mid part of the signal".

Waiting for Slate's VMR for colour EQ, then I'm done.

I'm embracing the philosophy that less options is freedom.
I'm in love with Voxengo GlissEq2 for years. Too sad I totally dislike the way GlissEq3 feels. I trust that "all or most digital eq's sound the same", but they feel different, and GlissEq2 always delivers me that feeling of total frequency control. Don't know what to do since it's only 32 bit, and I'm really willing to switch to 64 bit Cubase entirely. Too many bridged Glisseq instances often crash 64 projects.

Besides it, I enjoy some free pultec emulations, Stillwell stuff. SDDR has some sweet eq curves.

There's also a very rare Ukrainian developer's budle of EQ's based on an old 32 bit Pluggo engine. Pultec, API, EMI emulations. Very good sounding curves right away. But it's getting less and less stable with new Cubase and Windows versions.
Yeah way more than I need or use, I'm not going to include ch strips.

The included shit with cubase:

1. Studio eq
2. Curve eq
3. DJ eq
4. GEQ 10
5. GEQ 30

Shit I have purchased. I seem to keep acquiring shit in bundles or for cheap or for free... rarely free though.

1. Waves Q10
2. NI Solid EQ
3. Nomad Factory British 1972
4. DDMF ColorEQ
5. DDMF LP10
7. PSP Neon
8. Ignite Amps PTEq-1a
9. Nomad Factory PulseTec EQs
10-21: All of these are URS eqs. I own the compressor/eq bundle.
22. Crysonic Anuna
23. PSP MasterQ

The ones I actually use are Q10, URS SSL clone, and the Nomad Factory British job.

NI's SSL clone might take over the URS one though, other than that I almost never grab any of the pultech clones (I have one by URS and the other by Nomad Factory).

So yeah almost 30 choices and I use 3. :lol:
Softube Trident A-range 4 lyfe.

No way, I couldn't get anything to sound good with it. and I really wanted to. It was thin and narrow/nasally to me.

If DMG came out with a channelstrip I would get g.a.s hard cause I do Like the EQ. I like equilibrium but it's not way far off from UAD's SSL its very clean bright and sharp just different flavors to me neither here nor there. I have had times where in the demo I wanted the EQ over SSL but since i'm running SSL over most of my mix it felt out of place.
No way, I couldn't get anything to sound good with it. and I really wanted to. It was thin and narrow/nasally to me.

If DMG came out with a channelstrip I would get g.a.s hard cause I do Like the EQ. I like equilibrium but it's not way far off from UAD's SSL its very clean bright and sharp just different flavors to me neither here nor there. I have had times where in the demo I wanted the EQ over SSL but since i'm running SSL over most of my mix it felt out of place.

Really? I would not describe it as thin and nasally at all... I don't find it all that colored especially if you just leave the saturation off.
I actually agree with him on it. I thought it was cool on the top end until I found smoother EQs and now it never gets used.

Maybe my affinity for some of the other softube plugs has affected my judgement but I do still find myself using the a-range on snare and kick pretty frequently. I do think it can make guitars harsh fairly easily though.
equilibrium is in its own league completely with plugins when in the high impulse length settings of FIR mode. smashes the CPU after a few instances but never heard anything like it in a plugin.

PSP sQuad EQ's are great (and noble q). logics stock EQ is way improved now (from what it was) with oversampling mode.

if i was starting from scratch, thats what I'd go for. balance of quick and easy to use/more complex involved if you need it.

EDIT: also recent waves plugs (RS56) looks great for pultec esque carving and really easy MS functions. very tempting.