How many Keyboard Player are in here?

:lol: @ janne

keyboards are all good and great and everything, but everybody knows that guitars rule the world:grin:

and drummers are just guys that hang out w/ real musicians:loco:
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I am a drummer / keyboard player
drums for 5 years and keyboard for 1 and a half...
i can play most of bodoms stuff ..but some of the stuff on the new cd is pretty fucking hard to play!!!!!\m/
anyways I was wondering if anybody has heard of Richard Andersson from time requiem?
hes great alongside of janne and jens of course!!!
yes, i know Richard and i think he has a great technique and also an impressive speed!! i do not like his lead sound but it does not mind!
Hey what keyboard does Janne use on the current European tour...the one with the sticker on it?? Does he use effects on the keyboard for CoB's sound, or is it something different??
I play keyboard(s)..and I actually play a lot of CoB stuff.....anyway, I have a Yamaha PSR225GM, a Casio WK-3500, a Korg Triton LE, and a Yamaha S08...if any other keyboardists here , or just whoever, want to talk keyboards or whatever the fuck, go ahead and add me to your MSN account if you have one...
people who bring 3 year old posts back from the dead should be shot

i play keyboard but i'm more focused on guitar now, i can play the kissing the shadows sweep at about half speed, if i play it at full speed i run out of fingers :P
been playing the piano for 10 fuckin classical years. then i realised i had a dam Yamaha PSR-80 in the basement so ive been doing some COB on it. My keyboard is so fuckin lame i just play bodom songs on a real piano