Ben Johnson
ShadowsWithin said:Does anyone know how to get Jannes intro downfall sound? I can't get it on my Korg X5 because I dunno what sounds he uses.
Roland JV2080, preset called Stacc.Heaven
ShadowsWithin said:Does anyone know how to get Jannes intro downfall sound? I can't get it on my Korg X5 because I dunno what sounds he uses.
what do you play?anubhav said:HeyalL! I also play keys! been 3-4 years.
For people with cheap keyboards(like me), try sawtooth / square monophonic lead tones. You might want to add some chorus to make it phatter. it works fine here.
The rest as they say is in your playing.
skakruk666 said:hey im a great pianist and also a great keyboardist. i can play almost all bodom solos.
Creampie said:I play keyboards, and guitar, and bass, and drums... oh and the kazoo
ShadowsWithin said:Does anyone know how to get Jannes intro downfall sound? I can't get it on my Korg X5 because I dunno what sounds he uses.
<-Warheart-> said:Prove it, bitch.
Fetzer said:For a better sound lower the cut-off and raise a lil' bit the reverb and the release.
Huh?Fetzer said:Wooooo and will you get a beard and start kissing man ?
(Is this what we call free-wickedness ?)
Fetzer said:I can do it to, and belive me, it's not very impressive...
(WOOHOOO I'm gonna get flamed: yeah, Keyboard solo suck. Theres like 2 or 3 that are really good. Other are just "put your finger faster any and every-where".)
EDIT: Downfall sound: try a Fantasia, or a Warm Bell, if you can, Dual it with a low-volume string. For a better sound lower the cut-off and raise a lil' bit the reverb and the release. It's with my Roland, so don't know with a Korg.