How many Keyboard Player are in here?

HeyalL! I also play keys! been 3-4 years.

For people with cheap keyboards(like me :P), try sawtooth / square monophonic lead tones. You might want to add some chorus to make it phatter. it works fine here. :) The rest as they say is in your playing.
anubhav said:
HeyalL! I also play keys! been 3-4 years.

For people with cheap keyboards(like me :P), try sawtooth / square monophonic lead tones. You might want to add some chorus to make it phatter. it works fine here. :) The rest as they say is in your playing.
what do you play?
I play with my band Acrid Semblance. We play Melodic metal with some shades of death, prog, power etc. We have covered some COB stuff for fun at some local shows. After which COB actually picked up like hell in India. They are more or less a metal household name even here now.

Here is the website : (Clips in the media section)

I have a Yamaha PSR - 540 that I use as a midi keyboard for recording into my pc. And then use the soft synths to create my sounds for recordings.

On stage I have to do with the PSR sounds.
ShadowsWithin said:
Does anyone know how to get Jannes intro downfall sound? I can't get it on my Korg X5 because I dunno what sounds he uses.

try to search in Bells section of your combinations... in my Triton extreme i found one called "bells stories".

someone with korg keyboards found some similar CoB sounds?
<-Warheart-> said:
Prove it, bitch.

I can do it to, and belive me, it's not very impressive...

(WOOHOOO I'm gonna get flamed: yeah, Keyboard solo suck. Theres like 2 or 3 that are really good. Other are just "put your finger faster any and every-where".)

EDIT: Downfall sound: try a Fantasia, or a Warm Bell, if you can, Dual it with a low-volume string. For a better sound lower the cut-off and raise a lil' bit the reverb and the release. It's with my Roland, so don't know with a Korg.
Fetzer said:
I can do it to, and belive me, it's not very impressive...

(WOOHOOO I'm gonna get flamed: yeah, Keyboard solo suck. Theres like 2 or 3 that are really good. Other are just "put your finger faster any and every-where".)

EDIT: Downfall sound: try a Fantasia, or a Warm Bell, if you can, Dual it with a low-volume string. For a better sound lower the cut-off and raise a lil' bit the reverb and the release. It's with my Roland, so don't know with a Korg.

I'm not saying they're amazing musically, but to be able to play them fluenty with little effort is impressive.