How many Keyboard Player are in here?

wow the first one doesnt work but the second link is great! now all i have to do is translate that into english and somehow make my x5 do something almost near to that...! cheers!
I play keys, I used to play guitar but janne, jens and mats turned me now I reallllly want a Juno D.

of_darkness_and_light said:
anyone know how to get janne's solo sound? (or jen's for that matter? O_O) theres only like....1 preset suitable. its crap.........

It's a Polysix emulation patch Jens made for the JV1080.

least thats what wiki said....if janne would just tell us straight forward....i was that the concert and worchester and i asked him and he said what he usually says "nobody endorses me so i use what i can"
I have never played keyboard, but I have played the piano in a classic music school for 5 years. Then I was fed up with classic music, and now I play the guitar-
"i have a keyboard, but i usually use it to make funny sounds and laugh at those funny sounds"

lol. awesome
check out progsounds, there's a nice article on how to get a similar lead tone to jens', which is what janne's is based on. the problem i get is my keyboard (a roland fantom) has no PWM or PWM waveforms. I emulate PWM like it says to in that article but because i have to use the saw for two of my four tones to do that it becomes overpowering. plus i suck shit at setting up LFO stuff. also, the X5 is just used as a controller for rackmount synths. if you want that awesome hatebreeder tone you'll probably have to get a roland jv1080 module, since i think that's where it originated. good lucks.
i've played piano and keys for about 6 years, my main synth is the korg triton le and its odd to see that jens emulation patch from prog sounds getting whored on here because I just loaded that to my triton and its great. some recordings of mine can be found in my profile. I am just getting into classical playing seriously so I am not so good, the most difficult piece I have mastered is the chopin nocturne in e minor
i've played keyboards and piano (for about.. 13 years)... now i play in a power metal band, and we do some songs of stratovarius, angra, rhapsody, sonata arctica ecc ecc (and also war of razors from children of bodom XDD)... but my love remains the piano ^^
"i have a keyboard, but i usually use it to make funny sounds and laugh at those funny sounds"

lol. awesome


BTW congratz, u spammed uptil 20 posts (@battleeart?) Now u can post here :kickass:
Damn, so many keyboardist here :D
My band is having a hell of a time finding one :erk: Either §Italian_Bodom§ or 0mg Scandanavian Chris has to move here and join :D

P.S. Request for the webmaster to remove Lithium's post and tell him to keep that trash in COBOT
Let's say I'm TRYING to play keyboards... I'm more like a piano player than a keyboardist. I've been playing piano for six years now, people say I'm good. I just don't believe it.. :p Well I must admit it felt pretty awesome when my piano teacher asked me about my targets, I said it would be a dream to play as good as Janne Wirman. She had listened to Bodom, and said that if I keep practising I might easily become as good as he. That was the most beautiful thing ever said to me :D (Do I just feel like it, or is that true that nobody's interested about this and I'm going to be called a n00b now?)
I, too, am trying to become a keyboardist... i can't quite believe that your piano teacher had *heard of Bodom* before! It's rare for me to meet ANYONE who have heard them, let alone a piano teacher! That's awesome! I must move to Finland... :-\

Anyways, I played classical piano when I was little until I was 12 or 13 or so, then quit to spend more time on the Saxaphone which I played for a few years. I was actually pretty good at it, but I couldn't get into Jazz, so I eventually quit and started guitar instead. I managed to get decent at guitar, but again, couldn't get into any kind of rhythym and was constantly frustrated... So I decided after 12th grade (18yrs old) to go back to piano. So I started taking Jazz piano lessons and have gotten pretty OK at it... And the theory is useful for any kind of songwriting and especially soloing and such, though I'm not quite there yet... ;-)

And then I got a Roland XP-30 for Xmas...

I haven't played more than once or twice this summer!
Maybe it wasn't meant to be... ?!:zombie:

EDIT: WOW! THanks so much to the people who mentioned progsounds... I've been looking for a resource like that since I got my keyboard!!! I'll be spending some serious time reading all those great articles! Maybe that'll inspire me to start practicing :-D
I play guitar, but if I had heard Jens, Janne, and Pinnella about 5 years ago I might have started playing keyboard instead. Now I don't have the time or money for both. :erk:
Ante EM-10 said:
I know how meany question was there on the sam e theme, but never mind. What sound thas Janne usses for solos ex. on TUSKA

Polysix emulation patch Jens made for the JV1080 that he has tweaked a bit to his liking.