How many listens did it take you to like Crimson 2?


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
I bought it last Saturday and have been listening to it quite often and...well...I just don't like it.There are parts that I like a lot but the beginning is too weak IMO and sometimes the voice doesn't sound too good.
I don't know if it's me or what but I just can't get a hold of it,I like more or less 9 minutes out of the 43 it has.
Has this happened to anyone else?
It's hard to please eveyone. I guess you like the parts of E.O.S. that I don't like, and there's not very much of it on C2. It's the best death metal related album I have ever written and I have had praising reviews of this album to last me a lifetime so a little negative slashing just feels natural.
Well, I got the album yesterday... all hail to Remedy Records who got it in stock before the release date on monday!

On the way back home after band rehearsal I listened to Crimson I...
then when I came home I put on Crimson II.

And from the start I liked it way better than Crimson I, although it took me a second listen this morning to fully appreciate it, but that's normal for me.

For me it sounds more powerful and more fluid, and I just like the overall style better. But well, I like Moontower more than Crimson I too, so that was to be expected.

So I just want so say "Thank you, Dan!" for making such a great album, and keep up the good work.

BTW, the tone of the rhythm guitar reminds me alot of Symphony X's "The Odyssey" album... :D
Dunno how many times, but it took its time. About two weeks I guess. I hate to add that I was pretty disappointed at first. Now I like it very much.
Well as soon as I heard that fucking amazing riff at about 1:45 through the Incantation section of the song I was hooked. It's just so dynamic and well written, I have only recently discovered EoS and Dans other works and I'd said Crimson II is the best album I have heard all year!
1 listen, although i only heard it once cause the album only arrived yesterday, it seems a very promissing album, although i'm not a big fan of EOS ( i'm more of an In Flames kinda guy) its gonna be a great gift for my brother's birthday :)
Dodens Grav said:
I finally got Crimson II today, because when I went to get it two weeks ago, it already sold out...and I didn't think anyone listened to good music around here. Anyway, it took me a matter of seconds to fall in love with it. Crimson II is my new favorite cd. I actually prefer Dan's vocals on Crimson II than any other, and for me, that's saying something. I just love the guitar sound too.

Let me guess, you went to vintage vinyl and they sold out, i was in the same boat, so i ordered from the end the other day, hope it comes soon.
Dodens Grav said:
Yep, I got the last copy there too! I also got the last copy of Mayhem's Pure Fucking Armageddon and Live in Leipzig, the last copy of Zyklon's Aeon (I'm sure they'll get more of those on Tuesday though), and the limited edition of Morbid Angel's Heretic.

So youre the one buying all the last copies of the cds i want to buy, damn you!! :yell:
I haven't managed to listen to it from beginning to end yet...there's something about it that doesn't please me for some reason.
For an album that's kinda supposed to be death metal considering it's predecessor,there's not enough of that I guess. It could be good the way it is of course,but there's just something weird about this album when I listen to it.
I'm trying to figure out which one I like more, Crimson 1 or 2... After several listens to each back to back I think my decision is Crimson 2. My favorite parts are probably on track 40 & 41 I love the sound on it.
Dan Swanö said:
It's hard to please eveyone. I guess you like the parts of E.O.S. that I don't like, and there's not very much of it on C2. It's the best death metal related album I have ever written and I have had praising reviews of this album to last me a lifetime so a little negative slashing just feels natural.
oh I am not saying it's a bad album but there's a huge difference with C1
the thing with C1 is that I always make time to listen to the whole thing and I don't like stopping it until it's over.
With C2 I don't mind stopping it at times,the music is good,the vocals are very powerful but there's something that doesn't hook me up to it as much as it has happened with C1.
Maybe it's the fact that I had very high hopes for this album to sound a lot like it's predecessor and it's a whole different sound;could be that.
After 1 listen I knew that I'll like it for sure
took me about 4\5 times.
Thats because I have to remember every part and sing it within myself while I'm listening.
AT first I was put off a bit by the wierd sounding production, but once I got used to that I became very comfortable with the music and how it sounded. Personally I didnt think there was this much death metal left in Dan. The speed parts are damn good. I mean there are very few normal vocals. Musically I have no problems with it since this is the album I was expecting. Kind of a culmination of everything he did with Edge of Sanity, mixed with all the proggy stuff hes been doing in nightingale and moontower, etc.
It took no more than one listen to decide that I'll spend some more time trying to get into this album (meaning I was not disgusted immediately, heh), but as for "liking", I guess it will take quite a few more spins... on my third one right now.