How many listens did it take you to like Crimson 2?

i liked it when i first listened to it. its not as superb as the spectral sorrows but as good as crimson 1. one of the best cds ive bought this year. sometimes i think there is a little bit too much keyboard.
I am totally overtaken by this cd-i listen to it all day long and every time, i seem to find a new awesome part. I have only had it since sunday and i have not listened to anything else. This is my favorate release since Dark Tranquillity-Damage Done a year ago(my fav of 2002). This may be my fav of 2003(most likely will be).

This is the cd i have been wating for after Nightingale-I and Moontower!!!!! This could have easily been moontower II! Dan is a geneous!!!!!!!!
Finally I got my copy. I needed a few listens to get warm with it, but now I really like it. I don't know if I like C1 or C2 better, it's hard to say. I like both. :)
Admittedly I listened to Crimson 2 just one time so far, tonight with headphones, but I like it much more than Crimson 1. Despite what others say in a neighbour-thread about the sound, I find also the sound way better (It was the same with second Bloodbath).

Crimson 2 is more symphonic than C1 and several parts actually are very much Nightingale-ish ;) I like it, that´s for sure. But I have to listen more often for giving an extensive opinion :dopey:
fireangel said:
Crimson 2 is more symphonic than C1 and several parts actually are very much Nightingale-ish ;) I like it, that´s for sure. But I have to listen more often for giving an extensive opinion :dopey:
Exactly! The more I listen to it the more I hear Nightingale,Unicorn and Pan Thy Monium on it; C1 was completely EoS and this second one is more of a Dan Swanö thing mixing the sound of his other projects.
I like C2 but I like C1 more.I guess Dan was right,I like the sound of EoS he decided to quit.
manuelgv said:
Exactly! The more I listen to it the more I hear Nightingale,Unicorn and Pan Thy Monium on it; C1 was completely EoS and this second one is more of a Dan Swanö thing mixing the sound of his other projects.
I like C2 but I like C1 more.I guess Dan was right,I like the sound of EoS he decided to quit.
I wish I could hear parts of Unicorn in it, but unfortunately I still haven´t got the Unicorn-Cds. The only thing I know is those mellow-records where someone said, that they don´t reply to mails.. I maybe should try, though.

But I clearly hear some riffs that remember me of Alive again :) Here they are in a different context, so maybe it is true that now in the masterpiece was realized everything he had in mind, without others interfering. Now my next task is to listen Moontower again and find connections and differences...
fireangel said:
Now my next task is to listen Moontower again and find connections and differences...
Moontower is the only clear influence I haven't heard on C2.The more I listen to it the more I get it to be honest;at first I was a bit thrown off expecting EoS and listening to all Dan(which is not bad but it was a bit weird)but now I am more into it.The screamings combined with the growlings are a nice touch which EoS didn't have.
Finally got it after listening to that sample track from the web a million times hehe. Only took me 1 listen of it and I liked it alot. Im wondering if it wouldve been better to be all one track like crimson im not sure cause i skip around alot to diferent tracks and put it on random when i play it and I love every second of it without a doubt.
I liked it right away!
Got the promo first. But there was some part missing in that, so I bought the real CD yesterday and I sure liked it!
It's kinda cool that Dan has put in some riffs from Crimson I in it. It makes you really feel that this is the second part of a great album!

What was kinda confusing was that it was split up to a 44 track cd though... but, what the hell. You can always just listen to it from the beginning!
manuelgv said:
Moontower is the only clear influence I haven't heard on C2.The more I listen to it the more I get it to be honest;at first I was a bit thrown off expecting EoS and listening to all Dan(which is not bad but it was a bit weird)but now I am more into it.The screamings combined with the growlings are a nice touch which EoS didn't have.
*Heh* so we hear that very different. Because I find there are Moontower-Influences (but which I still can´t name in detail, cuz I listen to Tiamat all day....)
On C2 there are several parts which just make you feel drowned through music, like there comes a wave of Evil, and that is what remembers me of Moontower most likely.

I am happy to hear you like it now more than in the beginning. I guess those are the really interesting albums, where you need to take your time with. I have that with Mörk Gryning´s latest CD at the moment. I know there is something special, I like some songs and some not_so_much, but I am sure I will find out what is the secret. And those songs I often like later very much more. (but of course it is also possible to like songs just from the beginning ;) )

<offtopic>to ColdDarkNord: in the FAQ about Unicorn it is said that they can be ordered from TER. But that is not correct, I just got mail from them that they never had those. </offtopic>
Ok, IMO there's definitely some Moontower feeling on C2... and not only because of the synth leads on some parts.

I don't have the track number right now (cause I'm listening to Dornenreich and don't want to stop), but there's one passage that screams Moontower:

It's a few minutes into the album, lyrics are still on the first page of the booklet:
"Something had happened beyond her control..."

Listen to this part, concentrate on the rhythm.

Now dig out your ol' trusty Moontower copy and go right to "Empty Phrases"...
There's a riff where the rhythm is quite the same, and the rhythm to the lyrics is exactly the same.
That was one of the passages where I thought: "Now why does this remind me of Moontower?".. until I remembered. :)
It took me couple of days to get into it. I liked it less then crimson I in the beggining! But after I listened to it some more - I realized that it's awesome and might be even better then C1.

It took me about 1 week to get into Crimson I - way back :tickled:
I still prefer Crimson I over Crimson II, but I've only gotten to listen to it twice, and played it 5 or 6 times (like now, I'm multitasking and not focusing on the music). I really would like to sit down with the lyrics and go through the song once or twice. Anyone know where they're available on-line? Tiny yellow text on black and orange artwork is too difficult to read for the better part of an hour.

Things that I didnt like about C2 when hearing it through the first time were:
The way it's mixxed allows the keyboards to drown out the vocals at points. (While I like death metal a lot, I'm still not good at decyphering the lyrics based on the vocals alone. I need to read 'em and then the vocals make perfect sense)
Dan has a beautiful voice, and I was surprised there aren't more passages doing clean vocals.
I also wasn't a fan of the 44 tracks, but I ripped the CD as one, so that's not an issue anymore.

(Side Note: I'm a huge fan of Dan's tho, and I'm sad that I can't get my hands on a copy of Purgatory Afterglow. (American record stores in Oklahoma don't stock 'obscure' European Death Metal.))
I'd hate to sound like a total fanboy, but Crimson II is probably going to be my album of 2003. Yesterday I played it back to back 3 times and listen to it at least once a day right now.

It's just brillant. if I had to pick out flaws, the middle seems to drag a tad, but the prog stuff beyond track 31 makes up for it. Nothing bad, just a matter of personal preference.