How many more Prog Power's does Glenn have left?


New Metal Member
Nov 9, 2007
I was thinking this and I figured I would post it. Glenn has what most of us dream we can do, run a killer metal festival year after year. My question is does Glenn ever say to himself "I'm tired of this aggravation year after year, I wish I can just sit back and enjoy going to one without running one". To us as fans we look foward to the enjoyment, but Glenn, even after the festival ends is already working towards the next one. Does Glenn truly know the magnitude of joy he brings this community? and does he know when it does end, .....what do we do now??? Great work Glenn, This really is an appreciation post:kickass::kickass:

.........Tom Argo
I hope he has plenty more to come! VIII was only my first year, and I definitely want to be able to experience plenty more years as a part of this great festival. I'm looking forward to ProgPower USA L!
I don't think he'll ever tire of doing one, and I think it will be a long time before the profit question will become an issue. He has shown remarkable creativity in how he runs his fest, trying new things, adding or making changes to ensure that the experience is a special one for the fans (some methods which are being used by other festivals). There are always some fans that will go for the specific bands and think about the travel costs, but he has enough that are loyal to the fest.
I suspect that Glenn will continue to do it as long as:
1) He can still bring in bands that he wants to see as a fan
2) He can remain profitable
3) He can still make the fest a truly special experience for the fans and the bands.
I have no real insight into this. However, I suspect Glenn has the festival at the point where he makes a decent dollar from it (which is as it should be). However, I also suspect, the realities of the music industry have jaded him. To that end, whereas ProgPower started as a labor of love, it's now a business. And so long as it's a profitable business, I suspect it will continue. Just my guess.

I have no real insight into this. However, I suspect Glenn has the festival at the point where he makes a decent dollar from it (which is as it should be). However, I also suspect, the realities of the music industry have jaded him. To that end, whereas ProgPower started as a labor of love, it's now a business. And so long as it's a profitable business, I suspect it will continue. Just my guess.


My guess too
I have no real insight into this. However, I suspect Glenn has the festival at the point where he makes a decent dollar from it (which is as it should be). However, I also suspect, the realities of the music industry have jaded him. To that end, whereas ProgPower started as a labor of love, it's now a business. And so long as it's a profitable business, I suspect it will continue. Just my guess.


Not that one can't have a business he or she truely loves. The two are not irreconcilable.
Zod hit the nail on the head, especially the "jaded" part. The only thing that I would add is that I will only continue to do the festival with my wife's support. If that ever leaves, then I'm outta here.

Coincidentally, I recently turned my "Mike Wallace" interview skills on our humble PPUSA leader. I interviewed Glenn at length about a week ago. Elisabeth is transcribing the interview as I type this. I should have it ready for everyone to read within a few days. I even have a few follow up questions I'll ask if he has time.

If you've ever wanted to know about the origins of ProgPower USA, what Glenn thinks of each one over the years, and where the festival is going, stay tuned!

Zod hit the nail on the head, especially the "jaded" part. The only thing that I would add is that I will only continue to do the festival with my wife's support. If that ever leaves, then I'm outta here.

Just promise you won't leave without handing the reigns over to someone else.
Harvester said:
The only thing that I would add is that I will only continue to do the festival with my wife's support. If that ever leaves, then I'm outta here.

Okay, everyone: butter up Glenn's wife and keep her buttered-up! :lol:


Just the thought of Glenn halting ProgPower -- or selling it -- gives me the willies. I've gotten a couple of curious phone calls from slimeballs in the metal biz (well, okay, from one slimeball) asking about PPUSA and buying-in.
I told them, not unkindly (but not kindly either) to take a hike. :puke:
The truth of the matter is most of us live for this festival like a child does for Christmas. This is the only place we get to see the bands we adore and NEVER get tours (most of the bands don't). The bands I talk with worldwide ALWAYS say it would be a dream to play Prog Power USA, that's gotta make Glenn feel proud. His festival is thee most elite metal festival on the planet. It brings the community worldwide together to hang out, see, hear, and buy great music. Without this festival we would be "cut off" so to speak from the underground prog/power metal scene. (ticket prices from this post might go sky high as Glenn reads and his wife sees more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ value of the festival), LOLOLOL.
I for one hope Glenn and Cindy(as this is a family business) continue to make wishes and dreams come true for so many of us. I have seen how Glenn and Cindy put so much of their heart and soul into this, and ladies and gents that is what makes it so unique. You will hear Glenn state "this is a business" and that is true it is a business, butttttt it is also a labor of love. Love for the music, and A love for his friends and fans. I have been a sponsor for the past two years, and it is great just to see what goes on behind the scenes, and how much Glenn and Cindy and the entire crew puts into the show every year. I will continue to submit a sponsorship bid every year as long as I am physically able to, and hope that the day never comes when Glenn hangs it up.
The only thing that I would add is that I will only continue to do the festival with my wife's support. If that ever leaves, then I'm outta here.

Glenn, you took the words out of my mouth. I was gonna say when Mrs. H comes up to Glenn one night while he is listening to Blocked Cock's new CD and asks "Glenn, why can't you get a normal job like a normal person?" :lol::lol:

BTW, Glenn, FTD has a special on Roses and Dom Perignon. The Jewelry Factory/Exchange has some nice specials on Diamonds. You might want to check them out. :D