How many % of my money goes to the band?


POTM vox 'n keyz
Apr 8, 2003
Say, I hypothetically buy a cd of 100 units of money (whatever kind of money, doesn't matter). In general, how many units (so call it %) of money end up on the bands bank account in the end?

Does it matter if I buy a "low-price" cd or a "new" cd?
keeper of the flame said:
What a straightforward impertinent question this thread poses. I've never seen anything like it on a forum!

Well, it was just a question in general, not especially focussed on SC.

And D: on the none of your business reaction: not that I want specific details, that is of course non of my business. I just heard bands get littler money of the cd (which costs sometimes 19, 20 euro's) than I expected. I heard about 1 euro and I think that's not much. That's all.

Geez, don't take it that personally please, you all ;).
Bands get percentages. The high pricing of cds is usually in the hands of the stores. The label sets a dealer price, and the store adds to this.

The main income for a band is mechanical royalties (and other copyright royalties). For every cd pressed they get money. (Those are not the same as cd royalties from sales). So that is how a band ends up making money and that is why you should buy cds to support bands (NEW cds ofcourse, not used). Don't get angry at labels for overpricing, they do a lot of work for an artist.

If you want to blame anyone, blame the stores- and try to buy cds at cheaper stores- it won't hurt the band and saves you a little money.
keeper of the flame said:
I bought the album today for 15 euros and 50 cents at the Nootzaak in Amersfoort. That's a great price!!

Last saturday I accidentally walked into the Nootzaak in Amersfoort and I bought a Steve Vai and a Queen cd there... very cheap too ! Great shop.
You know, here in Chile cd's form new bands cost very little comparing to thos I see here: about 10 euros. Big bands get their cd's priced at 13-15, or even get up to 20 for a single cd... :(