how much money from CD sales goes to the band?


Oct 22, 2007
So I was just curious about this. I have all the Symphony X CDs. How much of the money that I paid actually went to the band?
They could probably negotiate a decent percentage (nothing too high, because like Zach said, it's a small percentage to begin with and I'd imagine that more money comes from shows rather than CD sales) because they are the best selling band on their label.
Not something I'm at liberty to share, really. They do make more from merch sales than from cd sales, though, as do most bands (especially since you can't download a tour shirt for free like you can a cd *g*).
on average, around $1-$2 per cd sold. a lot of the money goes towards the label and marketing/promotion. retailers add on more for overhead.

Doesn't make me feel good to think that they only got about 20 bucks from all the CDs I bought. It's economics I guess, but still.
It's actually the next generation of <g>, which is how people grinned in chatrooms on AOL about 12 years ago (yeah..I, like many people, started out on AOL..way back in '95, when a good chunk of you were still in school LOL)..that doesn't work in places that use html though, so it evolved into *g*.
$1-$2 is absolutely correct. statistically, it's said that most artists signed to bigger labels make an average of $1 per cd - lame, but that's how it works. they probably make a very high percentage of the merch sales (possibly even 100%) and ticket sales. this is why i thought it was really funny that fox news and cnn and all these other media powerhouses were dogging britney spears for her sales plummit one month after her latest release: she has so many residuals in merchandise (barbie dolls, t-shirts, lunch boxes, toys, etc. etc. etc.) that the latest cd losing sales means absolutely nothing. as long as she's on tour and selling merch she's still a multi-millionaire.
Wait... brittney spears released another new cd? Ugh :(

The problem with that scenario though is she's making money from her merch, but labels (especially big labels) are business. If they're not making money, she's not making money. they're not going to finance a tour for her if her sales are dick. At least not for many more years. She's run her course and she'll be dropped soon i'm sure.

Can't wait when she's picked up for her 20 year anniversary tour :lol: