Sending Symphony X money


New Metal Member
Jun 10, 2011
Hello forum,

I was thinking about something recently and wanted to get some input from the forum.

So I purchased the double disc of Iconoclast on Amazon for $14.72. However, I had already downloaded the leaked version BEFORE I bought it on Amazon. So my reason for purchasing the album was, more or less, to support SX so they can keep making music. While yes some people like to see the actual cd with lyrics, case, etc, I tend to only care about the music. Therefore, when I spent that $14.72 I bet that less than $3 of that goes to Symphony X. I would say $5 at MOST of that $14.72 would actually get to them, but I believe the actual amount is much less. So my "contribution" to the band just for this album is less than $5.

Considering that I already downloaded the album online, I thought it would be better if instead of spending $14.72 I just sent Symphony X $10 (money order, etc) in the mail. Therefore SX makes more than $5 (the amount they get when I buy Iconoclast) and I spend less than $14.72 (as $10< 14.72), so it makes us BOTH better off.

Why can't I find some way to just send SX money? I would prefer this method for all bands that I purchase music from. And, in theory, wouldn't this make them better off as well? Since almost anyone can get the leaked album, why not have fans send in $ instead of buying the cd?

My first reaction to why this may not work is that SX NEEDS album sales to possibly get sponsors, for Nuclear Blast to provide them funding, for tour reasons, etc. So the $3 they get from my $14.72 is made up elsewhere once they include the "positive externality" associated with more album sales.

Let me know what you guys think.
Let´s start the Please-take-this-money-and-make-another-V fund for Symphony X?

sorry, but someone was going to transform this into a b!tch thread anyway.
btw, i like how u think and thats why i bought all the Iconoclast editions, just to support them. dont know if there´s any other way.
That's a good idea actually. Here where I live, a friend of mine recorded some live songs to a DVD through this. There's also this site Pleimo [] where you buy the songs and the biggest part goes to the band, small part to the site 9. It's like R$1,00 for a song, about 0,62 U$$, more than half goes to the band. You could buy the entire SX catalog for about 60 dollars. Imagine if they've got all this cash directly for them. Here in Brazil, a Cd costs between 15 to 25 dollars, only 0.6 to 1.2 dollars goes to the band. And they call net download stealing. corporate bastards.
Let´s start the Please-take-this-money-and-make-another-V fund for Symphony X?

sorry, but someone was going to transform this into a b!tch thread anyway.
btw, i like how u think and thats why i bought all the Iconoclast editions, just to support them. dont know if there´s any other way.

This sounds like a plan to me! lol

I'm not bitching about Iconoclast really because I like it pretty well; however, I really miss the more diverse side of SyX and V is my absolute favorite album among all (not just SyX) albums.
I like the idea of sending the band money to record the album beforehand and getting your name in the CD booklet like what Marillion and Spock's Beard did. It would be awesome if we all pitched in for SX to record a sequel to V, since it's a concept album. They would probably end up spending the money on another mediocre album though.

Touring is a very tricky situation. That's why a lot of bands like Spock's Beard, Stormental and Hourglass don't really tour that much, especially in the US. Most people don't want to live with 5 other guys in a small van for 9 months of the year playing half empty shows for barely any profit.

As for donating to SX, just buy merch including CD's, shirts, etc and try to see them in concert as many times as you can, even if the show is a few hours away. Don't buy the same album more than once. My idea is that as soon as an album has been out for 2 years, don't buy any other albums from that band so that the record label bugs them into making another album. That way you get to hear new material, the record label stays in business, the band stays on the label, new merch will be made, etc. It's sad seeing bands like tool making tons of money when only releasing albums like every 5-6 years.