Symphony X


Aug 12, 2003
Im new to symphony x (just bought oddyssey) ,all i can say is this album is nothing short of a masterpeice , it's INCREDIBLE!!!! symphony x are propbably now my second fave band , LONG LIVE METAL/POWER METAL

just a few questions though

what direction will sx go for in their next album will they go even heavier(fingers crossed) , and when is the next album coming out????

What other sx albums are as heavy as oddssey????

Every CD is unique, like a new experiment for the guys. Sure, they could go heavier and they may because of the success of "Odyssey". But I predict (and hope) it's a more symphonic and melodic collection. Just my thoughts, really. Maybe there will be a song that gets airplay. Who knows, they could be the band that opens this genre up to the masses. But as much as I would be happy for them, I don't know how I would feel about that. :erk: (sitting in an big arena for a SymX concert....I don't like the mental picture of this, altho I'm sure they would!)
oh yeah.. SECOND favorite band hey.. thats it get out youre not welcome here unless theyre your NUMBER ONE favorite.. lol!! just kidding.. welcome to the board!! Nup odyssey album is heaviest and boy i wish they would do more heavy.. i love it!!!

p.s who is your number one fav then? 1st fave band always changes but for the last year it was metallica but since st anger , metallica got me into music properly and the tallica message board is where i heard of sx , if it wernt for metallica being the first band i really listened to then sx would be my fave

if that makes any sense :-)
I personally could care less if the new album is heavier than The Odyssey. I know that it will be great, whether it's heavy and ultra-metal, or more progressive and neo-classical.

Rumor has it that the new Symphony X album will have no guitar solos, no fancy keyboard parts, and Russ constantly singing out of key. They're going for a more "raw" feel this time...
the raw feel sucks, it never works and more and more bands seem to be doing it :-(

I agree , on odessy sx have melted metal with melodic sounds and symphonic stuff , it's just perfect a TRUE i gotta go and buy v and divine wings of tradegey
HellFire said: 1st fave band always changes but for the last year it was metallica but since st anger , metallica got me into music properly and the tallica message board is where i heard of sx , if it wernt for metallica being the first band i really listened to then sx would be my fave

if that makes any sense :-)

They talk about SymX on the Metallica board? How'd that come about, I have to ask!?
It was in the met board musicians section (the only section of the metallica board that is not inhabited with troll's), i cant remember exactly what the conversation was but i think it was about power metal and someone said that sx werent there cup of tea but they certainly know how to play their instrument' were mentioned a couple of times
I just downloaded 2 songs of divine wings and they sound really heavy , pity i have to buy all my sx albums online and ill have to wait a few weeks for divine wings of tradgady to be shipped :-(
HellFire said:
I just downloaded 2 songs of divine wings and they sound really heavy , pity i have to buy all my sx albums online and ill have to wait a few weeks for divine wings of tradgady to be shipped :-(

Why a few weeks? You can buy them directly from the band.. ..this page will be moving to the band's site once the new site design is unveiled, too, so it'll be easier to find.
HellFire said:
It was in the met board musicians section (the only section of the metallica board that is not inhabited with troll's), i cant remember exactly what the conversation was but i think it was about power metal and someone said that sx werent there cup of tea but they certainly know how to play their instrument' were mentioned a couple of times

Cool, thanks! That's great! :)