How many remember this?


Chicago Jay
Apr 25, 2007
I remember when I first heard of Iron Maiden. I was 12 years old, but I was 15 when they became one of my favorite bands.

Anyways, who remember this.....

I remember when Iron Maiden did a seatbelt commercial. I remember Dickinson singing and then he stops.... He goes on to say to wear your seatbelts, because you don't want to wind up like "Eddie". Then he busts out of the coffin.

I know it was during the "No Prayer For The Dying" tour. I know every Maiden song, but for the life of me I don't know what song they were playing during this commercial. Does anyone know or remember this?

I did hear hear it was "Tailgunner" but I just wanted to make sure. I know this is going back almost 20 years already, if anyone remembers.
First time I saw Maiden was on accident. It was during that whole "give blood and get Iron Maiden tickets" thing, and I wasn't old enough to donate so one of my neighbors did for me because he knew I liked metal. His daughter didn't like me so she asked her dad for the ticket and he gave it to her and she rubbed it in my face that I couldn't go.

About 3 hours before the show my neighbor walks over to my house and goes "yeah, Joanna broke her leg so she can't go. Here's your ticket."

Greatest fucking timing ever! :kickass:
First time I saw Maiden was on accident. It was during that whole "give blood and get Iron Maiden tickets" thing, and I wasn't old enough to donate so one of my neighbors did for me because he knew I liked metal. His daughter didn't like me so she asked her dad for the ticket and he gave it to her and she rubbed it in my face that I couldn't go.

About 3 hours before the show my neighbor walks over to my house and goes "yeah, Joanna broke her leg so she can't go. Here's your ticket."

Greatest fucking timing ever! :kickass:

Sounds like karma to me!!! :headbang: :lol:
First time I saw Maiden was on accident. It was during that whole "give blood and get Iron Maiden tickets" thing, and I wasn't old enough to donate so one of my neighbors did for me because he knew I liked metal. His daughter didn't like me so she asked her dad for the ticket and he gave it to her and she rubbed it in my face that I couldn't go.

About 3 hours before the show my neighbor walks over to my house and goes "yeah, Joanna broke her leg so she can't go. Here's your ticket."

Greatest fucking timing ever! :kickass:

That serves her right!! :lol:

My first memory of Iron Maiden was when my brother had a tape of NOTB and we used to "act out" the spoken intros to The Prisoner and NOTB to each other, then play air guitar etc. :lol: I also remember him having a big Aces High poster and it used to scare the shit outta me!! Well I would have been about 5-6 at the time! :lol:
I used to have one of those big velvet type posters that were fuzzy and in those unltra flourescent colors that glowed in the dark of the Killers cover. I don't know what ever happened to that!
I love how none of you show any sympathy for a girl who broke her leg so I could see Maiden. It's people like you that make life worth living. :lol:

Fucking awesome show it was too! There was a guy selling tie-dye Maiden shirts before the show and I thought to myself, "man that's fucking gay".....sure enough, Steve Harris was wearing one. From that day forward I decided that I would never mock tie-dye again.
Never heard or seen the advert.

First heard Maiden my mates had the Maiden England Video.

I thought they where crap.........Well I was listening to bands like Lawnmower deth then.

Took a few years for me to get into maiden, and it was No Prayer that finally did it for me, however as much as I like maiden.....not a huge huge fan, I am fed up of people going on about the same songs on the same albums. I really dont think Maiden.....with Bruce made a bad song......although there are some I dont listen too.

I finally got to see them on the Brave new world tour, went to Manchester Evening news arena, got absolutely plastered on the way there, just as I walked in the place I got a phone call of my uncle.....

who have you gone to see? he said
Iron maiden was my reply (well duh!!!)

Oh right, did you know your aunt Jane is related to the guitarist?

NO? which one?
that bloke from Hartlepool

Oh Janick!!!!

bastards coulda told me before hand, i might have got to meet them. I have since discovered Janick has a house a few miles from where i live.
1985. My buddy played Powerslave for me... I heard Losfer Words and it was over.

22 years later, I still love em!

I do remember a drinking and driving commercial with Bruce in it.
I was first introduced to Maiden when I would get rides to jr high school from an older friend. She played Piece of Mind and Powerslave constantly in the awesome, souped up 1977 Datsun F10. I've been hooked ever since.

I also saw a documentary in the 80's on the band. It showed them playing a wedding reception for a friend. Too funny.

There was a guy selling tie-dye Maiden shirts before the show and I thought to myself, "man that's fucking gay".....sure enough, Steve Harris was wearing one. From that day forward I decided that I would never mock tie-dye again.

I had an awesome Live After Death tie-dye, but it fell apart after a couple years of wearing it all the time. I'd love to have that shirt again, so if anyone sees it on ebay, let me know. :)
I used to have one of those big velvet type posters that were fuzzy and in those unltra flourescent colors that glowed in the dark of the Killers cover. I don't know what ever happened to that!

haha! I had the Trooper blacklight, and NOB blacklight.

Theoreticaly back in highschool I'd get totaly wasted and just switch on the black light, turn on maiden, turn off the other lights and stare at the posters....theoreticaly :D
Well I was listening to bands like Lawnmower deth then.

OOOOOOOOOH Crikey! it's Lawnmower Deth!

Best short song ever: PUNK... AS.... FUCK!

And of course the ever classic "Duck Off" also, I believe the shortest song ever hehe

Loved that album.

And who produced it? who who who? Steve Harris baby! (actually I donno if its the same steve...)

Actually the album I had was called "OOOh Crikey! It's Lawnmower Deth" but it also included the full "Kids in America" album.