How much headroom should I shoot for on rhythm tracks?

DUDE. Thanks, Chris, for asking this question, and thanks for all the informative replies. I just re-tracked a song and tuned my Axe-Fx patch to output a signal that peaked at -18dBFS on both the direct signal and the effected signal (I record both simultaneously). WOW. Lots of extra swing in the rhythm tone. I had no idea how compressed and fizzy my tone was because I was overloading my FireStudio Mobile's mic pres.
Just sharing my findings relating to POD farm. I never understood why POD users turn to free ampsims, until now. it seems the lower the DI track level, the bigger the difference in favour of these sims. when I was tracking at -3dB peaks with EMG almost touching the strings (you can guess - square DI), there was no big quality difference how the ampsims and POD farm sounded. Then I tried the suggestion above, get down to -12dB peaks (EMG now at 5mm, interface preamp all the way down). My POD presets are unusable, they sound like single coils, I need to max out TS gain to get distortion but the sound is narrow and cold as a solid state amp. Seems POD only operates correctly at high input signal levels. On the other hand, when I inserted a Lecto chain, it was night and day already with all default settings- more tube sound, warm and wide. the drop in signal level does not seem to affect the distortion level, and the quality might even be a notch better.
maybe this helps somebody.
great thread!
i guess this question bothers a lot of people..
one thing that i can't seem to figure out is, well, how to NOT use any compressors makeup gain as a volume knob.
since i'm using an analog pre-amp and it seems as tough the level at which electrical hum is minimal is very low, i have to turn up the volume somehow, and the fader give only +12 db (plus i dont like pushing it above 0 anyway)
so what i usually end up doing is turn up the compressor's makeup gain until the signal reaches a decent level. i don't like it but i can seem to find a way around this since my interface's output is already very high and still, if i don't do that, it's too quiet.