How many guitar rhythm tracks is TOO much?

haha, I'm sure I'll figure it out when im there. Thanks guys :)

i just like asking a lot of shit before I do things, and 99% of the time ending up trusting my ears and what comes through the speakers

very helpful either way!

im also curious about those 8 guitar tracks with 4 different amps the dude above said he mixed
XRated, was it a ReAmp thru those amps of a single performace, or did you use different performances on all those tracks? Also, were they multiple mic sets ups or single mics?

it wasn't a re-amp
it was literally 8 performances of the track through 4 different amps
im pretty sure the micing was consistent though
i didnt have a part in the micing or dialling in though, this was a mix i did for another guy
6? what are you crazy? Do 8!

Nah, but really, it depends on what you're trying to attempt. 6 tracks, 3 hard panned to a side isn't gonna do much except make it muddy.

If it's a busy part, dual or quad it.

Chord progressions can use some heavy layering, but you have to be creative. My favorite trick is to play the same part on different guitars with different string gauges.

Quad tracked turned up n prominent
same part played on a 7 string hard panned but in the background
same thing again on an 8 string put in the middle

Needs to be done right otherwise it sounds like ass. Also it takes a lot of time and a lot of guitars. Superfluous is the word, but over the top is good sometimes.