How much is your studio worth?


Captain Insano
Feb 16, 2009
US of A
A while back I tabulated how much money went into all the equipment in the studio (I own a lot of it, but a few people contribute equipment) and how much it's worth now.

Kind of depressing! But goes to show how quickly some things depreciate.

Cost of everything new: $36,984
Current street value: $23,813

Of course some things were purchased used or at a discount...but that is a lot of lost value! ($13,000!)

Has anyone else ever thought about this or is it just me?
A lot of the depreciation came from computers. The biggest hits were on my Toshiba laptop (cost an arm and a leg) and my G5 (which I did buy used).
I believe I have put in about $3,500+ into the studio

and have made back about $60 recording bands so far. :erk:
Oh yeah... it is hard to avoid that...

I paid $700 for my computer in January... It's probably worth $300 now.

At the end of the day, with the warranty and the computer itself, I paid about $3,700 for my Toshiba Qosmio a few years ago. It's worth about $600 now...if that. It has a lot of problems, many of which I was able to fix...but things that shouldn't fail do...repeatedly. I'd say how I really feel about the computer, but I might work for Toshiba soon so...ZIP my lips are shut :rolleyes:

The G5 still runs like a thoroughbred though.
mehh...lame thread where you guys can brag about how much cash you've dropped on your studio:lol:

I'm not giving a number, but i will say i've spent farrrr less than most people on here, but i still make a full time living off of it:)
This year i'll roughly make about 3x what i've spent on my whole setup since i started:headbang:
I think I'm pushing around $15-20000 now. Not a real studio. No high-end gear. Stuff like Firepods. That's not including the cost of turning a storage room into a decent room that required walls, carpet, ceiling, etc.

That's aslo not counting stuff like drum heads, sticks, or strings which really add up over time.

I may have made around $3500 total over 2.5 years. All this money of course was spent on more gear, not actually paying for what I already spent.
mehh...lame thread where you guys can brag about how much cash you've dropped on your studio:lol:

I'm not giving a number, but i will say i've spent farrrr less than most people on here, but i still make a full time living off of it:)
This year i'll roughly make about 3x what i've spent on my whole setup since i started:headbang:

That sounds strangely reminiscent of bragging to me :lol:
All you guys with 10K plus....

Can i have your addresses please.


Ive probably spent about 10k on gear. No telling how much ive lost buying and such for my tone.

Still havent found it. :( me a cheapskate, but just about everything I own I bought used. Over the course of the last year Ive invested about $6K. Of course my "studio" is just my basement. If I had bought everyting new it would be near the $8K mark. I found good deals by figuring ou what I want and checking ebay & craigslist every 30 minutes or so. It drives my wife crazy lol. She'd be in a straight jacket if I spent $50K lol.

I havent made any money yet either...just been recording some bands for free to get my name out there.
a rough breakdown
p.a system 1500
drum kit 2500
comps (all macs) 4000
guitar amps 4000
monitors 1000
mics, cables 2000
software 1500
recording interface 1000 (sold an mbox pro (800) and firepod (500))
pedals, effects 1000
guitars 2000
bass traps 500
house to record in: 174,000

the recording equipment was the cheap part hahahaha