How much is your studio worth?

Always buy used... Things rarely depreciate that much in the used market, as long as you keep them in good condition, and occasionally they appreciate.

Yeah, I also buy most of my stuff used. I've got some great deals sometimes, and then when I've sold the stuff forward, I've gotten some profit from it. It's not something I try to do, but if someone sells me something for a much smaller amount than it usually goes for because he's in a hurry, when I eventually sell it, there's no way I'm going to sell it for the same price I bought it for if I have no problem selling it for the usual price.

My studio stuff is worth probably around €5200 or a little bit more (counting my laptop but not the "extra" stuff like the external screen and HDD), but since about half of it is used, I've paid a lot less. If I count the guitar stuff and drum stuff I have, it's obviously a few thousand euros bigger, but I don't count them as studio stuff.
Haha... I'm not really sure how much I've spent. It would be fun to calculate everything sometime.

I've probably spent around 6500$ though. Not much but hey, what I've got now is enough for me for a while, until I learn more and get better! :) Or well... I do feel the need for new drum mics though, the current ones are piss crap ass :(
I don't like this thread......not because I'm gealous of the amount others have spent, but because it has made me realise that I've gone past the $10k mark myself. I do feel slightly ok about it given that just the interface, amp + cab and main guitar amount to just about half of that....and that I don't sell off the old stuff when I make a new purchase.

Horders FTW haha!
Drum kit which was there before I ever got into recording alone is worth probably around $3-4000 new, altho I've only spent $1.5-2k on it. Add in the laptop, interface, mics, etc.

Maybe like $7-8000 new :/
Jesus Christ.
Hmm, brand new costs of my stuff

Iguitar I12000 series = 3000 AUD
Ibanez RG 7421 with aftermarket pickups = Approx 1500 AUD
Ableton Live Suite 8.0 = 1299 AUD
Behringer Truth 2030A (really really must replace these:lol:) = 299 AUD. You get what you pay for with these:lol:
Line 6 POD X3 Live = 1299 AUD
PC = 2000 AU
Cables (for guitar etc) = About 200 AUD
Various other shit (power boards, some VST plug ins etc)= I'd say another 400 or so bucks

So adds up to about 10 grand.
My sister works for Ableton, so that was automatically a saving of 1299 AUD right there. Monitors are on loan, so no money down on those either.
I12000 was a Chrismas present several years ago and so the was the comp (from Xmas 2007), so not out of my pocket either.
Realistically I only payed for the POD, the Ibanez and the new pickups out of my own pocket and none of which were purchased new since I don't like the only fixed bridge 7 strings Ibanez offer now and fucked if I was gonna pay 1299 AUD for a POD (They're good, but not 1299 AUD good IMO:erk:), I got mine for a fair bit less than that.
And to be fair it's not really a studio per se, no room treating:erk: so constantly using reference productions and second guessing after having learnt my room and monitors to some extent, but I'd rather not have to do that because it's a pain in the ass.
If I move out of home and become more serious about this stuff, definitely getting room treating as well as new monitors.
most of my stuff is in my sig. All that with traps/diffusor panels, mic stands, cables... I guess I'm at around £10/11k. Its all been bought in a year and I've made back just less than half so far :|