How much of the $400 US goes towards the Apple branding in an iPOD?

Opeth17 said:
I never download anything either, so I'm sure J. and I are just "material" people to those who do, but that's ok with me. :loco:

Yeah, at least we ain't stingy, cheap sumbitches either.

Yea I dont download any music either. However, I do have a 10 GB iPod I got three years ago. Unfortunatley I got jewed and got one of the ones with the fucked up battery. In any event, when its not being a bitch, I love my iPod even though 10 GB isnt nearly enough. I rip all my CDs onto my computer and I have about 48 GB on my here. I dont love it because its apple or because its trendy, I like it because it is small, holds a lot of my music, plus I didnt pay for it. Id probably be happy with any other comprable mp3 player, and the price is a little absurd, I agree.
Opeth17 & J: I think there's some confusion here - why do you assume that all MP3s are downloaded illegally? READ: you rip them from your OWN CDs that you BUY so you don't have to take them with you when you TRAVEL. There is no internet connection necessary.

*penny drops*
Opeth17 said:
I can understand why people might want one of those things though, I just don't need it.

Jay: That's kinda what I was going for with this statement. I already understood why you were trying to buy one of those things, my rant was just a general one on the subject. Easy to get confused, but what the hell. :loco: I'm fine with people using equipment to store music they bought, just like I listen to albums I own when I'm on my computer through windows media player.

Sorry to get off-topic with my anti-downloading, hail record purchasing rant. :grin:
well duh. I know what your iPod is for. you explained that.

I'm talking about those fools that think downloading mpee3s is considered a real album, and counts CDrs among their collection as a legit copy, while they never buy the real thing. Cheapskates, I say. And screw ths judging an album based on downloads. If you havent heard the whole legit, actual store-bought album on a stereo, you can't talk about it.

And also, what's the point of zines when people can just download anything they want and simply try it out that way?

I guess I'm not down with popular culture and technology these days. I'm perfectly happy with my CDs and stereo, and forever probably will be. "iPod" just sounds so....Hot Topic and mallcore. But I do see where it comes in handy for people who travel for long periods of time.
Ah, sorry, I thought the thread got so long, it might have got missed somewhere.

Opeth17 said:
I don't own an ipod or any of that other stuff and I'm actually quite lost as to just what the hell is being discussed in this thread, which strangely didn't stop me from reading it in its entirety.

That is the funniest shit I've read all night. :loco:
J. said:
And also, what's the point of zines when people can just download anything they want and simply try it out that way?

I think people read reviews in zines or published journals, and when they catch something they like, they download it. Our review index probably acts as a download reference. People will just skim through the high score reviews and download those. There is no further research, or careful evolution of developed tastes. These days, it's mass download = music overload = short attention span.

But hell, people download movies these days.

I read recently that the UK has the largest download community in the world (or Europe perhaps). Apparently they can't wait for the new seasons for 24, The Shield, CSI etc since they're always released about 6 months behind the US, so the Brits just download the shows within MINUTES of them being aired.

It's a brave new world.
yeah, actually the biggest download culprits and where all these "share" sites pop-up are Europe and Asia.
American's are still pretty dumb when it comes to this :D ...
Over the past year I've acquired more burned DVD-Rs and CD-Rs than I ever thought possible, and doled out quite a few as well. I've asked for a small handful and received probably 200 shiny discs of illegally copied material. All this after years of being vehemently opposed to piracy.

I'm such a sellout.
J. said:
And screw ths judging an album based on downloads. If you havent heard the whole legit, actual store-bought album on a stereo, you can't talk about it.
Not true at all. I download almost everything before I buy it. Of course, I download whole albums, at high quality. If I played you quality MP3s and then played you the actual CD, you'd struggle to tell the difference. There are just too many bands I'm interested in checking out, to buy every CD that's recommended to me. I buy roughly 100 CDs a year. If I bought blind, based soley on recommendations, I'd buy closer to 400 CDs a year and have a massive trade list. I'd also give a ton of artists my money who don't deserve it.

Just so you know, I don't count MP3s or CD-Rs as part of my collection. I also buy EVERYTHING I like. I believe in supporting artists like everyone else on the board. I NEVER post MP3s publicly. I'm just not going to pay for shit music.

General Zod said:
Just so you know, I don't count MP3s or CD-Rs as part of my collection. I also buy EVERYTHING I like. I believe in supporting artists like everyone else on the board. I NEVER post MP3s publicly. I'm just not going to pay for shit music.

General Zod said:
I also buy EVERYTHING I like. I believe in supporting artists like everyone else on the board. I NEVER post MP3s publicly. I'm just not going to pay for shit music.

this brings up an interesting point....the recording industry whines constantly about lost revenues due to piracy/illegal copying....but their sales in the past were greatly inflated due to the fact that people WERE buying shit because there was not another avenue for people to hear new stuff. Now we can grab samples or entire songs off the web and become a much more discerning consumer, and they HATE that.

I also believe very strongly in supporting the bands I respect and admire by buying their stuff.
lizard said:
this brings up an interesting point....the recording industry whines constantly about lost revenues due to piracy/illegal copying....but their sales in the past were greatly inflated due to the fact that people WERE buying shit because there was not another avenue for people to hear new stuff.
Agreed. In the past, the record industry has sold entire CDs because people hear one song that they liked. Essentially, they've been selling singles for the price of an entire CD. I'd be pissed too if this model was suddenly destroyed. Maybe the record industry should consider signing artists capable of writing an entire CD worth of quality music. What a novel idea.

General Zod said:
Not true at all. I download almost everything before I buy it. Of course, I download whole albums, at high quality. If I played you quality MP3s and then played you the actual CD, you'd struggle to tell the difference. There are just too many bands I'm interested in checking out, to buy every CD that's recommended to me. I buy roughly 100 CDs a year. If I bought blind, based soley on recommendations, I'd buy closer to 400 CDs a year and have a massive trade list. I'd also give a ton of artists my money who don't deserve it.

Just so you know, I don't count MP3s or CD-Rs as part of my collection. I also buy EVERYTHING I like. I believe in supporting artists like everyone else on the board. I NEVER post MP3s publicly. I'm just not going to pay for shit music.


It's like judging a movie based on a bootleg copy from some schmo filming the movie within the theater. It just ain't legit. I'm not gonna try to convince anyone, because it just ain't gonna work.

If I knew of a zine that reviews albums based on downloads, I'd laugh, and avoid that site altogether.

I guess I'm just one of those people who finds some people with similar tastes in bands and music, gets some recommendations, researches the hell out of the band, and then buys it or doesn't. Downloading takes all the fun out of it, because by the time you throw on the actual legit copy, you've heard everything.
lurch70 said:
yeah, actually the biggest download culprits and where all these "share" sites pop-up are Europe and Asia.
American's are still pretty dumb when it comes to this :D ...

Russia and China are notorious for rampant piracy. As far as CD-Rs go, I don't consider getting a copy of a disc from a friend to be stealing (it's no substitute for the physical release, but that goes without saying) because there's a mutual agreement and often an exchange involved, unlike getting the album off a p2p site...

Oh yeah, and death to Ipod.
Well I think everyone knows where I stand on the issue. I download movies also, and put them in VCD form. The German sites are excellent for movies. Oh and I do look at webzines before I download, but mostly to see what new bands are out there.

I respect all the non-downloaders opinions, but they dont change mine. Im fine with being a cheap record industry criminal, and no amount of moral prosletyzing is going to change my opinion--but a lawsuit would.
we went through this before, but buying a second hand cd on eBay OR from a firend OR traded here .... is the same shit as downloading to me.
lurch70 said:
we went through this before, but buying a second hand cd on eBay OR from a firend OR traded here .... is the same shit as downloading to me.
The point of spending money is to support the artist and/or label, and yeah buying used doesn't accomplish that goal.

The experience of an album, like J. brought up, is important indeed. For groups that I love I generally don't like to hear anything from the album before it is released because going to the store, seeing the fucker you've been waiting 4 years for sitting on the shelf, then frantically running to your car while unsheathing the cellophane like so many pink panties just for that first taste is pretty exciting.

I killed my anti-downloading stance by buying too much shit in 2003, I got stuck with so much stuff that I didn't like or bother listening to that usually I need to hear something that blows my mind before plunking down the cash. The exception being artists that I'm already familiar with of course, and certain highly recommended stuff.