How old are the guys in Opeth?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I asked this in another thread but guess no one noticed the question, except that one guy said Mikael is 27.

So how old are they?

NP: Labyrinth - Return to Heaven Denied
Originally posted by Azathoth
A classical,meaningless question from a classical turkish man...hail brother :P

How typical. Turkish people always think that way. "We are all the same shit so I can piss you off as much as I want". I hate this kind of attitude, so fuck off!
Originally posted by Lion in a Cage
How typical. Turkish people always think that way. "We are all the same shit so I can piss you off as much as I want". I hate this kind of attitude, so fuck off!

"Turkish people always think that way"

what u have done is the same with that attitude idiot.
Tamam beyler, kavga etmeye gerek yok milletin önünde. Bütün dünyaya kendimizi mi gösterelim? Maille halledin probleminizi. Bir soru sordum, cevabýmý dal aldým. Uzatmanýn gereði yok. Bu arada istediðim soruyu sorarým, Azathoth arkadaþým. Caným sormak istedi sordum, sitelerine gitmek istemedi gitmedim. Beni eleþtirmek sana düþmez.