How old are you?


Will be 19 tomorrow. I wish christina scabbia would do a strip dance for me.
Larsson is absolutely right. It is a stupid arguement. Seems, to me everything turns into a bitch fest on this forum. I'm sorry to offend anyone, that's not me. But, IronBeard = countless female interaction is the only equation that matters to me. Tubbs don't denegrate someone who can't or won't do a math problem. It makes you sound like a pompous asshole.
ironbeard said:
Larsson is absolutely right. It is a stupid arguement. Seems, to me everything turns into a bitch fest on this forum. I'm sorry to offend anyone, that's not me. But, IronBeard = countless female interaction is the only equation that matters to me. Tubbs don't denegrate someone who can't or won't do a math problem. It makes you sound like a pompous asshole.
Well... I don't think the issue here was someones inability to solve a math problem, I believe most comments were about Tubbs inability to set up a correct math problem in the first place. He succeeded the second time though, so all is good. ;)
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Okay I've had enough. Enough of the 4th grade name calling.

I still think people here must have small brains or something. :confused: they obviously couldn't read my directions.
*laugh* I do know that you will get 16 if you do each operation from left to right in your post, but the rules of math are that multiplication and division take precedence over addition and subtraction, which would give the result of 55521.41833. I'm not stupid. I was just being an ass. ;) Sorry if I was annoying.