How old are you?

I didn't expect to find many fans under the age of 18 but it would appear that there is. 20 here.

At the moment I'm trying to make my friend who's 16, like Opeth, I sent him The Moor, I hope she listens to it though it's abit long. (he has listened stuff like CoB, CoF, but also some "not that evolved" music, like the infamous Mcr.)

If she likes it I will send him the whole discography. :)
At the moment I'm trying to make my friend who's 16, like Opeth, I sent him The Moor, I hope she listens to it though it's abit long. (he has listened stuff like CoB, CoF, but also some "not that evolved" music, like the infamous Mcr.)

If she likes it I will send him the whole discography. :)

Why does your friend switch genders so many times throughout your typing.

But 19. Turning 20 in 19 sleeps.