How ridicule the music business can be?


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
There was a German thrash band called Darkness that dissappeared in the late 80's. The band has come together (new line-up) with a new name Eure Erben and now they sing in German, they even translated the old songs.

Well I was curious how the band sound now so I went to check their website and I found this:

Unfortunately it isn't possible to publish our OWN SONGS on the Web anymore!​
The reason for that misery is the German GEMA, which can be compared with the ASCAP or the MCPS.
Due to some rumours that we've received from the web, we risk to get ruined by that society if we offer songs on the web without paying money to the GEMA. You will get more information as soon as we know more about it.

So knowing that many enlighted people dwell at UMOS I know I'm going to have some light on this matter. I can (but not share) understand the famous downloading and sharing is killing the music business chant that most labels have today and therefore I understand (but not accept) the legal actions they are taking against this practices.
But to forbid a band to put their own music in their own website, gimme a break! Is there a limit for stupidity?

NP: Darkness - 'All Left To Say'
This is a perfect example of people wearing their asses as hats. If anything, providing songs or samples on the official band website DISCOURAGES music downloading via traditional p2p avenues. Why fiddle around with trying to find the songs or wait in qeue for hours when you can go straight to the band site and download lickity split. Seems like the definition of stupidity to me.
Sounds really strange. With the own songs you can do what you want, I don´t get the point why they got this problems. The GEMA should be for the help the artists and not limit them in any way...:erk:
If someone is interested, the german label BattleCry Records released some of the old Darkness albums these days.