How tall is Simen?


Oct 10, 2005
Yeah, stupid question I know and I feel bad starting a thread. Just to settle a bet between me and a friend. Anyone know for sure? thanks
I'm around 5'10" and when I met him, he was about 5 to 6 inches taller. He was taller than everyone else standing around as well. Yeah, I know that doesn't help. lol


There was this guy that said I looked Like Simen, me on the right: :err:

well I dont know but for simen it's allright to knee in front of the audience.

everyone still can see him quite well....

but actually I wantet to enlarge this thread:

I removed The URL

Have Fun!
dia_hain said:
I'm around 5'10" and when I met him, he was about 5 to 6 inches taller. He was taller than everyone else standing around as well. Yeah, I know that doesn't help. lol

good stuff. thanks a lot. :)
Ahh fuck, I´m on the right, my cousin is smoking some vile cigar

hmmm, well now, that thought crossed my mind yesterday as I was walking "home" from the library -- that you were the person on the left facing the camera rather than on the left as the camera looks. I guess I should have clued into the blonde thing. the vile cigar looks more like a sweet blunt, my mistake.

Djöfull said:
There was this guy that said I looked Like Simen, me on the right: :err:[/IMG]

Það er nú alveg frábært...
Isn´t there anyone here who can give us the answer to this question?