How tall is Simen/height in metal

It's of little importance, but I'll be damned if the man doesn't look like a giant! My guess is 6'4 or 6'5 ish, though my estimation skills are far from decent.

And on a side note, what is the deal with tall people and metal? There are so many metal musicans that are very tall, it almost seems like short people are excluded from metal or are somehow uncool to the image of a band...There are exceptions of course, Dani Filth, Dio, etc...But they are the minority it seems. Any ideas on where this stereotype(fact?) stems from?

Maybe it's just all in my head, seeing as how I'm not tall....:confused:

I'm 6'5" and simen was just about the same height as me when i met him after a dimmu show one time.

But you know there is that connection between tall people = higher intelligence, hence why there are so many of us in and around metal :muahaha:
Also alot of guys in metal are from scandinavia, and swedes and danes, along with dutch, are the tallest in the world, i believe.
But you know there is that connection between tall people = higher intelligence, hence why there are so many of us in and around metal :muahaha:

Yes, but beware us little folk - we'll bite your knees when you're not looking!

I'm a hair under 5', myself. Being female mitigates that somewhat, but I'm still pretty tiny.