how to achieve good modern sound?


Aug 29, 2010
hi everyone! I'd like to ask you for some feedback. The song I'm uploading is not finished by any means. It still lacks some tracks plus there is some editing ahead of me. Of course, it needs to be automated as well. I was given the guitar tracks (not DIs). They were really thin and what you hear is the result of my posproduction. The drums were programmed. To be honest, I am not of a fan of this kind of sound. This music is not my cup of tea as well. For this reason I would like to ask you how to change this mix to make it sound better and modern.
thanks for your help!
first of all make the sound of drums more ''real'' then use a low pass at guitars or remove 0,5-1db around 1-2khz
put a reverb at master channel,5-10% wet (try to find a sweet reverb to make the instruments sound like playing in the same room)
try to remove some db's from drums to let the guitars ''breathe'' in the mix
compres hard every instrument and put limiter at the master channel(i think that you did that allready)
goodluck! please post your new try :)
Thanks for your advice. I'm going to remix the song today and I'll upload the next version as soon as I finish.
hello. below you can find the link to the newest version. still, I'm not convinced and I'm wating for some suggestions. I've had a problem with drumagog (in some parts with the fast double bass some hits are missing) so don't pay attention to it.

Well, and I've got a question. How to make cymbals sound more natural? What velocities should I set?

Just one more thing. This the reference band for the guys I'm mixing:
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If you edit the cymbals by hand, you can move notes slightly off grid and sort of 'de-quantize' them. Think about how you would play the actual parts, how hard a drummer would actually be hitting. Guitars are lacking in mids for my personal taste.
I like using Soundtoys Little Radiator on drums if they aren't "alive" enough...tones down the robotic hits and plasticness. PSPMixSaturator can do a number on drums & mixes too even. When all else fails, saturation plugins! lol Use subtly the Little Radiator, very subtly. PSPMixSaturator if you chose to use it on the master bus, has a couple different mastering presets. Usually one of them is real close, so I tweak from one of those. I like how it will just saturate certain frequencies and/or warm them up so sometimes you can just pick the worst ones and it makes the rest so much better.
maybe remove some high's at the guitars and use a high pass filter at the overall mix?

Thx. I thought I set a high pass filter at 30 or 40hz but I need to check it. I will experiment with the guitars and higher frequencie. I consider changing the kick and snare samples. I feel just don't go with the guitars. And as to the guitars, what you can hear is the best result I've been able to achieve. The tracks were poorly recorded and I spent hours post processing them.
maybe make some eq changes at guitars? first of all make a high pass at 8khz or 9khz move it when you hear that is ''okay''
then make more ''basy'' the guitars..
after that try a little boost on the bass with eq at 5khz or 6khz
you're using amp sim?
hi, thx for advice. no, these are the guitar tracks recorded by the band and the quality is very poor. They don't want to re-record it or prepare di tracks. What you hear is the result of my post processing but I've got stuck at one point and every step I take just wrong. I'll try to do it your way and I'll post the results.
i think that the guitars is very weak..and need more ''balls''... you use saturation or something? :S
panned hard right and left?
what hp/lp you've done?
i think that drums its okay,remove some reverb from toms if you want to change something,to wet toms to my taste
i think that the guitars is very weak..and need more ''balls''... you use saturation or something? :S
panned hard right and left?
what hp/lp you've done?

I used a lot of saturation but I haven't tried to compress them. Also, they are not hard panned (L1 100% L2 80% R2 80% R1 100%). I will check your option. LP/HP is done at the end of the chain (8khz and 100hz)
okay quad-tracked :) you don't say try to make it 8khz and 50-60hz (make it there that you'll hear that is good i don't know if you understand me sorry for my bad English! )
and then remove some saturation cause you destroy the ''balls'' from the guitars and you make it sound like sh_t... then upload again to check what other changes need to be :)
(also if you want send me untouched guitars with pm so i can check and tell you some tips for better sound :) )