How to appreciate Death Metal

"Death metal lyrics and themes, while not to be taken literally, celebrate the outer extremes of human experience, such as the motivations of serial killers, the activities of the walking dead..."

This is hilarious!!

Zombie 1: "What do you want to do today?"
Zombie 2: "I dunno, we ate everybody's brains yesterday so..."
Zombie 1: "Yeah I know, its the same ol' same ol'"

:zombie: :lol:
Who has time to come up with this stuff? This is a joke right? Or are these people really serious about their death metal (giggle)?
I think some fans take it more seriously than bands. I love death metal, and it's very rare that I find a death metal band where the members are all super-serious about being br00tal. If they're like that, chances are I won't get into them. I think the only one that springs to mind where the band members are all-business is Hate Eternal. (Maybe Dave Suzuki too, but I don't read many interviews of him so I don't know, he might have a sense of humor) Almost every other band I can think of that I like has their tongues planted healthily in cheek at least part of the time.

One reason I'm not into black metal is because there's so many bands where it seems like they take themselves way too seriously when all they do is look ridiculous.
Very informative...where can I pick up a copy of Death Metal vox for Dummies? I may need that :lol: Seriously though I saw Cannibal Corpse a while back and remembered wondering if anybody would notice if they just slapped a mic in front of a vacuum cleaner and called it a day :headbang:
One reason I'm not into black metal is because there's so many bands where it seems like they take themselves way too seriously when all they do is look ridiculous.

True, but even with black metal, appearances can be deceiving. Most of the black metallers I've met -- excepting local black metal bands -- have been really cool and not at all full of themselves off stage.
strangely enough thats what I tell my friends when they can't get into death metal. So I don't know if we are ridiculing the tips giving into getting into death metal or the fact that its posted in a website....
I said this before on another thread, but people like this make me hate prog/power fans.

I'm with you man.I love black metal and death metal and i also love prog/power metal. whats wrong with liking both? They both have alot of energy,talented musicians,and what matters the most.BADASS METAL! some black metal guitarist are on the same level as Mike Romeo from Symphony X.The drummers have to be alot faster in the death metal gonna shut up now and not say anything else in this thread.:loco:
I think some fans take it more seriously than bands. I love death metal, and it's very rare that I find a death metal band where the members are all super-serious about being br00tal. If they're like that, chances are I won't get into them. I think the only one that springs to mind where the band members are all-business is Hate Eternal. (Maybe Dave Suzuki too, but I don't read many interviews of him so I don't know, he might have a sense of humor) Almost every other band I can think of that I like has their tongues planted healthily in cheek at least part of the time.

One reason I'm not into black metal is because there's so many bands where it seems like they take themselves way too seriously when all they do is look ridiculous.

Two more of those bands that take themselves seriously: Napalm Death and Obituary. Both of them are in my top 25 all time metal bands. :worship:
the tips on harsh singing/growling are dead on. I've been doing them for a while and its definately something you need to practice...athough I still think it doesn't take as much "talent" as actual singing, thats a moot point...its a desired vocal effect in much of modern metal.
Look, ANYONE can do death metal. All one has to do is sing like Cookie Monster and have speedy riffs. It is only recent that Death Metal is becoming somewhat original. Ot sucks, but it is the truth. That is why I have more respect for the Goth and Black metallists than the Death genre. Goth and Black seems to be far more talented than the death version.

Ray C.
From that point of view, anyone can do every type of music if they attempt it. Doing it well is another matter. If you prefer to stay ignorant about a subject don't try to jump in and act like you're the least bit informed.
It is not being ignorant, it is being truthful. Just go to See how many of them are classified as "Death Metal". Now, in most of the other genres, you need to have serious skills. Prog/Power, thrash, goth/doom and black metal you have got to know how to play the instruments and have serious singing talent. Look at bands like Daylight Dies to see what I mean. Sure, they growl, but they also can sing regular as well. Death Metal I could never understand, never mind comprehend.

However, I must say this, I do not know how those death metallists keep their voices after a few shows. Those vox must really do serious damage to the vocal chords.

Ray C.
Let me go one further. As I said in another post, Death metal is getting some originality. Two examples being England's Akercocke and North Carolina's Nile. That does not mean the whole genre is useless. Just 99% of it is.

Ray C.
Look, ANYONE can do death metal. All one has to do is sing like Cookie Monster and have speedy riffs. It is only recent that Death Metal is becoming somewhat original. Ot sucks, but it is the truth. That is why I have more respect for the Goth and Black metallists than the Death genre. Goth and Black seems to be far more talented than the death version.

Ray C.

Retarded logic. Bands like Death, Athiest and Cynic put out highly technical albums ages ago. Almost all death metal is technical to extent except for brutal/slam death which I don't like at all. And that stuff is new, not the technical stuff.

Let's also not forget melodic death metal, which isn't that much younger than the traditional stuff. Traditional death metal like Possessed and Morbid Angel is only a few years older than At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity, Carcass' melodic death metal era, etc.

If you're going to say traditional death metal doesn't require talent, then why not say thrash doesn't require talent either since it employs similar musicianship. Same with punk and even some early forms of NWBHM. I know early Iron Maiden was very punk influenced so I guess they weren't talented either back in the day.

Also, if you use the term "cookie monster" to describe growls, you're gay.
Retarded logic. Bands like Death, Athiest and Cynic put out highly technical albums ages ago. Almost all death metal is technical to extent except for brutal/slam death which I don't like at all. And that stuff is new, not the technical stuff.

Let's also not forget melodic death metal, which isn't that much younger than the traditional stuff. Traditional death metal like Possessed and Morbid Angel is only a few years older than At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity, Carcass' melodic death metal era, etc.

If you're going to say traditional death metal doesn't require talent, then why not say thrash doesn't require talent either since it employs similar musicianship. Same with punk and even some early forms of NWBHM. I know early Iron Maiden was very punk influenced so I guess they weren't talented either back in the day.

Also, if you use the term "cookie monster" to describe growls, you're gay.

Sorry, but I do not get into the name calling. The reality is the vast majority of death metal is usually the same garbage. As I also said, it is starting to evolve with bands in the last 10 years. As to equate Thrash and NWOBHM to Death metal is next to ridiculous. Both have their foundations in traditional hard rock and blues. Death metal is the utter extremity. Furthermore, to compare NWOBHM artists like Steve Harris, KK Downing and Michael Schenker to the average Death metal artist is an insult. As I said b4, with the exception of very few bands, I cannot understand how anyone could get into Death, as I do not think they are that talented on the bigger scale of things.

Ray C.

P.S. And I still describe "Death Metal" as "extremely fast guitars, faster drums, and COOKIE MONSTER on the vox."

Ray C