How to arrange interviews with the bands


Regor:1 Cancer:0
Sep 13, 2005
Detroit RAWK City
So now that I'm bragging about PPVII at another website,, and how I'ma get to hang out with Nevermore hopefully... they want me to get interviews with bands that play 7-string guitars, i.e. Nevermore, Mercenary, and anyone else.

Do you have to have a press-pass or something like that to arrange for this type of thing? Or is it a catch-them-in-the-hallway-and-ask thing?
MetalAges said:
Most of the time the way it works best is to arrange the interview through the band's label. That's your best chance for success.

I've interviewed bands at each PPUSA I've been to. Most were set up in advance by the record label, that's the best thing to do. A couple of times I just got lucky. I wanted to interview PC69 last year but SPV USA coudn't get ahold of someone from SPV Europe so nothing was set up before the show. When I got there, I went to buy a PC69 shirt only to find their drummer, Kosta Zafiriou was putting up the shirts! I told him about the magazine I worked for and the problems with SPV Europe and since he doubles as the bands manager he set it up and I got to do the interview. Some of the label's PR people usually work their own merchandise tables (Century Media, Inside Out etc.) and once they get to know you, sometimes they'll ask you to interview one of their bands.
OR you may get lucky and Warrell will pass out on your couch...just don't call Glenn and tell him about it...

Bwahahahaha.... yep... just kick him in the balls and throw him out. LOL :headbang: