How to "assign" sounds to a MIDI track in Cubase


Sep 19, 2007
Cheers guys! First of all, this forum rocks! I have learnt so much just reading that all of you that use to help newbies deserve a :notworthy :rock:! Thanks!

I have been recording with a Yamaha DTXpress III an acoustic drum using 5 triggers, but I recorder the "audio" info in Cubase LE from a Presonus Firepod... So MIDI recording is pretty new to me.

After I listened to Andy's samples, I started to wonder what would happen if I try to build an "hybrid" recorded drum: half acoustic/half triggered with the samplers. I can create a MIDI track and then it will record the "hits" of my drummer while playing the songs as I'm also recording the audio of the mics, but when I try to process the MIDI track and assign an Andy's sample to the recorded trigger (snare, toms, etc...) it's impossible! :heh:

I'm pretty sure someone has already asked this, but I did a search and found nothing! Your help is much needed, any reference or advise would be great! THANKS IN ADVANCE GUYS!
You need some sort of sampler to load them into (andy's samples) I use reason's NN-XT but there are others that work.

Once you have the sampler you simply set this as the output (found within the track details) of the midi track (the name of the sampler as the output source on the MIDI track).

If you need pictures etc as to how this is done let me know.
I suck hold on for the pics...

Okay so here is a midi track (it should look simular in cubase LE)


Here is me loading a VST instrument (Drumkit from hell 2 just to illustrate a point). Now VST instruments like DFH2 and I'm assuming EZdrummer and DFHS can only be used with there stock sound sets, kind of ghey but ya know.


Okay here is the sampler that comes with DFH2 this sampler can only load the samples it came with, plus I don't like the sampler it self.


Okay now here is where we set the output of the midi track to the VST instrument (basically midi routing) as I am sure you have noticed if this was set to your firepod (I am assuming labeled plug 1 like mine) your midi track would play back samples on your e-kit:


Okay so now I am going to show you how I play samples when I get the random ones online, first we have to turn on rewire because Reason isn't a VST intrument it's another application that we want to slave to cubase, this option won't exsist on your system unless you have the program so don't be alarmed to find it missing on your devices menu:


Just got to power on the input busses from reason....


Now that we have that on I run Reason and I have already taken the liberty to load that killer snare Steven Slate gave away for free. This is the NN-XT it can run any sample, time strech them, map them to certain velocities ranges etc... This is what you need to really play realistically the multi samples that get posted around here. There are other samplers that exist in the form of VST intruments. Ask around there may even be some free ones (although probably limiting).


Once thats all loaded up it shows up as an output option in cubase, in this reason file I had more than just 1 NN-XT running so I set the ouput to NN-XT 3 witch was the sampler with the dry hits.


Good luck! Any questions just ask.
Cheers man! Thanks so much for the post... I'm downloading the DFH so I will try that as soon as I have it! I owe you a beer! :kickass: