How-To: Breakdown bass blow-up


Producer/Mixing Engineer
Jul 18, 2006
hi guys

just wanna know this "fashion" stuff
most of the metalcore stuff has the bassy shit on the start of breakdowns
(JFAC, ABRB, taste Of blood etc)

CJWall too had that stuff in his songs

so my question is how to do this?
i think its an sample - maybe an bass drum with EQ or RBass, MaxxBass on it.. but i dont know - any suggestions?
thanks man

as i understood just put it in my mix and i get what i want)!
Watch out for bass drops man. They'll fuck up the mix. Your stereo-buss limiters and compressors will be going crazy.
I use a signal gereator to generate a track at something below 80hz (I pick the frequency that corresponds to the key of the song). Send the tone to a huge verb. Automate a mute on the tone before and after the kick hit so that it is just on for a quick bit with the kick (the length is up to artistic taste though).

There you have a big "drop" that's in key with the song.
Is this the thing that SYL use often in their songs which almost sounds like your speakers are going to explode when a chorus kicks in or something? lol
Is this the thing that SYL use often in their songs which almost sounds like your speakers are going to explode when a chorus kicks in or something? lol

Yeah. Think hip-hop bass. That's what it always crosses me as.
Ahhh I see, I couldnt tell what the hell it was, it just kinda drowns out everything then resolves! Is there anything else you can use to get that sound besides the prog named earlier? Since once again my comp says "no" decent programs :p A kick drum? How does that work lol
Forgive my ignorance, but just what is a bass drop? Are you guys throwing in an extra low bass tone on say the first hit in a chorus/breakdown/whatever to give it some extra punch or something?

Interested, cause tips n tricks like this are always useful to pick up :)