How to clean up Cubase Project files?


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
For example I only want the wav's that are being used in the project and to delete the hundreds of unused wav's in the pool.

I know I could bounce down the wavs but I want to send the project to a buddy in a different city. I could manually do this but I hardly name files (especially if I'm writing/recording) so it'd be a pain to sort thru them. Any quicker way to do this?
If you already have consolidated wavs for each track you can rename them as 01 kick, 02 snare, 03 hats, etc, then look for those to copy/ paste/ send to your friend. Having the 01 02 03, etc at the start should bring them to the top of the folder.
If I want to get rid of all the slicing and random audio events (after checking every fade is smooth) I highlight everything with the select tool from the very beginning to the last sound heard. Or just select all (ctrl-a) and set markers (P) (check to see if there's no tail after the last marker otherwise extend it) then I bounce everything (ctrl-right click > bounce selection) which leaves me with all tracks starting at zero and for eg. one kick drum event instead of hundreds of sliced ones. MIDI files you can just glue together to make one file.

Then I hit ctrl-p > right click the pool window > clear unused media > right click again > erase trash > close pool window > CTRL-S!!!. Now you sessions audio file has only one of each used track instead of the unused loose events taking up HDD space and possibly slowing your PC (or mac...) and session down.