how to export tempotrack to mixdown(mp3)?

i did it the dumb way - but it works (not the best method im shure):

1) run your daw application - make the tempo track you want
2) run any other audio editing software (sound forge for example)
3) route your signal from mixer (or directly from audio card OUT) to your audio card IN
4) make shure you're not hearing what you've got from your OUT - there will be awfull feedback if you will hear something
5) run metronome from your daw and record from audio card IN in your audio editing software

thats it
You need to make a 1 bar midi track with a note on each beat, and send it into a sampler. load up a click noise, beep or sticks. take your midi event and copy it. paste it into the next bar. do it again until you have 4 midi events side by side. select those, copy and paste them side by side. now you have 8. select those 8 and paste them again. see where I'm going? do this for the entire track.

If you have tempo changes in the song, the midi will still reflect that.

then just mixdown
shit if the click track is just on a audio track in protools and you bounce to disc its there. I have accidentally bounced and left click track on and was like what the fuck:lol: So yea with protools its real simple....

I'm sure there is a vst click track plugin you can download or something to make it easy......
I also do it the dumb way, but all within Sonar.

I set up the metronome to use an audio output, stick a patch cable from that output into an audio input, and record the click while the song plays back. It sounds silly, but it's a hell of alot easier than creating a midi track.
I just did this on a project where there were literally about 100 meter changes, skipping around between 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 note feels. I would not want to create that midi track manually. :cry: