how to get a big sounding mix?


Aug 11, 2010
hey guys i was wondering how to get a big deep sounding mix if that makes sense i don't necessarily mean wide just deep kinda like i see stars newest cd. I am trying to figure it out but then i end up either widening to much to where the middle is thin and sounds like crap is there any good tips/trick to help me achieve this sound?
im finding trouble doing that without killing everything's sound i understand the idea i just cat get it to sound right
practice makes perfect. Spend time on each individual aspect of the mix e.g.drums, guitars, bass tones. Like Oroin said, making room for each instrument in the mix is crucial to getting a clean, balanced mix
im finding trouble doing that without killing everything's sound i understand the idea i just cat get it to sound right

Yup, that's the whole point of being a mixing engineer. That's the whole challenge. It's a career, and it takes time to get good at the craft.

This is kind of like posting to a basketball forum and saying, "Hey guys, just trying to figure out how to get my jump shot to make it in the basket. I keep shooting and missing the basket, but I've found I get more points when I make the shot. How do I make it more often?"
Hey David, the better the recording.. the better/easier the mix is. You should be able to bring up your raw tracks with no processing balance the volume levels between them and it should sound the way you want it. Then do some tweaking/automation to make it way better
Hard question to answer. The question to ask is here is the first instance where you feel there is a lack of quality? If you think about it your original question will be easier to answer if you can identify where you think you could improve through out the recording process starting from tracking, to editing, to mixing, to finally mastering. We as the reader don't know what the quality of your raw tracks are. I am not familiar with your work so forgive me if this seems rudimentary but a safe way to check could be in this order: 1. Quality of the instruments, 2. Quality of your mics and/or DI's 3. quality of your interface and gain structure (meaning not clipping going into your software), 4. editing (including tuning and quantizing), 5. Mixing, 6. and then mastering.

Please add on if i missed anything.
This..and make sure u have drums that are powerful and cut through the mix. Have your drums cut through but not overpower your other instruments. Without good drum tones, your mix will sound like poop.

+1. Drums are the foundation of every track. If you got crap drums, your mix will fall apart. Also, if you're tracking live drums like me, edit the hell out of them and get them completely on time with the click. It takes hours, but it's worth the work. Making sure everything is on time will really add to the size and impact of your mix.
