how to get Ebow for bass guitar ?


Eastern Europe Groover
Dec 12, 2003
I ve seen this equipement some guy used and played some fine stuff :) Is it available for the bass guitar as well? Because i saw that guitar ebow does not work for bass .Anyway, someone knows - please answer :D greetz n cheerz
I have an Ebow, but I suppose it's for guitar. I got it to work ok sometimes, but it is pretty difficult to get it going right away. I would actually like to know if there is one made more for the big bass strings also.
Presently there is no bass ebow. Michael Manring had mentioned being in talks about demoing a prototype if they built one but thus far they haven't. It does work on bass, just trickier since you can't rest it on the strings.
Tried to do it , even putting Ebow over the string without resting on strings and it didnt work .Wonder why? Anyway just gotta wait ... thx :)
Tried to do it , even putting Ebow over the string without resting on strings and it didnt work .Wonder why? Anyway just gotta wait ... thx :)

You just need to refine your technique. I've been using one for about eight years and Michael Manring actually uses two simultaneously. If you don't hold it perfectly parrellel to the string it won't sustain for long and ebow placement makes a difference depending on the thickness of the string I've found, least in terms of how quick you reach full volume.
That refines my wiev actually.Just to say that I had it only 5 minutes in my hand , dont have the "technique " yet :) thanx for that tip.Will shure to try it out .